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Conor the basher.

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About Conor the basher.

  • Birthday December 25

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Conor the basher.'s Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. First ride ont the inspired :P bit shit though :( alot of the good clips went all gay :(.
  2. Conor the basher.


    me and grant riding in the wet nothing to hard :P
  3. Conor the basher.


    grants stack
  4. Conor the basher.


    Some clips in my garden first time on the bike in a month and a half :)
  5. cheers man did you recive the bolts ok ? and yeah the gardent pritty minto
  6. Conor the basher.


    no need to get your nickers in a twist chill boyo
  7. Conor the basher.


    Are you a retard ? are you blind did you mum drop you as a baby ? neglect ? got fingered ? TRIALS VIDEOS this needs to go in the best of the internet thred
  8. Hello eveyone so i got bored today and decided to have a play in the garden, this video was kind of a brake test video so nothing very big just stuff to test the brakes out im using coust pads on the front and heatsink reds on the rear:) Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload I hope you enjoy it im currently making a proper video but i dont no when it will get finish it really anoyes me that i had to wait like 3 years for medication and now ive got i and it still isnt working :( grr.. cheers much love.
  9. have a bath ? eat some food slap the old ham take a shit talk to you mother say hi to the next person you see feed your pet watch a trials video watch tv go ride your bike fix your bike go the the gym go swimming take a bath or shower clean your room watch top gear subscribe to gay porn post in a diffrent topic go down the pub go take a picture on your phone and send it to you lover play on your computer Any of them really.
  10. This is a pointless topic only becuase for some strange reson ALL the topics renting about trials-uk get deleted
  11. I have to turn all the switchs off before i go anywhere close all the windows check the doors locked before i go to bed ( about 3 times) make sure the dog bowl has water in and sleep with the tv on i do all this stuff again and again even no i no its all done.
  12. Why on earth would you want to walk around pretending to be a police officer but having no power over anyone ? everytime anything happens you have to get real police to come in ? pointless i dont care what anyone says i think its a pointless job.
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