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About ashby-trials

  • Birthday 04/24/1988

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Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    ben baker
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    t-bird spec 1 2006

Profile Information

  • Interests
    trialsin <br />playin drums<br />playing pool<br />darts<br />woodwork
  • Location
    scunthorpe near leeds

ashby-trials's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Hey guys thanks for the comments so far some good helmet styles you should all see billy ellis helmet i.e known as billocks i think its a giro xen pink either its a new one out or he's sprayed but it looks really cheesy and sexual.
  2. Hey lewis what you trying to say lol only joking yeah in ye olde scunthorpe where i live we call pedal hops skippy there just more simple and easier to say than these technical words such as power hop and pedal hop.
  3. Hey im not sure if this has been posted yet but i was wondering what helmet do all you boys and girls wear when you are out riding i my self wear a giro semi mx 05 edition the kind of helmet that martyn ashton use to wear so please post what helmets you wear. Thanks Andy
  4. Hey id say get a zona zip there great frames to ride and worth the money but supposbly monty 221 prs crack really easy so zona zip all the way. Cheers Andy
  5. What is it with people and re-bumping old topics.
  6. Hey man i see what you all mean i get gay chavs saying wheres your seat you mad fanny and am like ffs its a trials bike so i always get annoyed when people ask where is your seat even coppers say its illegal not to have one lol.
  7. Hmmmm i might be going depends what shift my old man is on but it sounds good for the fun of it.
  8. Hey mate i love your idea and i would love to represent your company if it was a spmsor ship plus you should start some sort of trials team that you are doing with this company that you are designing so count me in aswell. Add me to msn if you want to discuss more? Cheers Andy
  9. Hmmm let me think you must of bashed it on something thats the whole idea of bash guards to prevent you from doing other damage on the bike preferably round the chain ring.
  10. Luke p that is too random and pointless why bother? oh yes where was i to me that bike looks like the new monty.
  11. Hey i ride an onza t-mag 05 and it is one heck of a bike to ride except ive streeted mine up a bit lol but go for one of them. Cheers Andy
  12. Hey me and some of the scunthorpe lot should be coming to lincoln soon as weve got a friend there called lewis who rides a monty but lewis goes back to university at the end og the month so were coming soon hopefully.
  13. Dont do it whatever you do please you will ruin a really nice coloured rim i suggest you go for the heatsink pads which are designed for smooth rims. Cheers Andy
  14. Ben beckett turn the frikkin caps lock off u ninny!!!
  15. Mr lawerence please read the topic for christ sake mate.
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