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The Zen Of Balance, State Of Mind


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My ability to balance is massively affected by my state of mind, when I find that point of focus I can balance indefinitely, but random thoughts pop into my head etc..

How do you find your Zen ? Are there any exercises ? etc... What are your thoughts on this ?

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Are you talking trials here? Or more general day-to-day balance?

In trials, I discovered my ability to concentrate is highest when the risk/reward (ie challenge) are highest, meaning I've damn well got to be completely focussed to not come up short. That'd explain my love for big down gaps, bollards and rail rides!

The more you push your boundaries and confidence in more risky moves, the more you learn to focus and remain calm in even the most extreme situation. This practise helps with the not-so-scary parts of riding (and life I guess), such that you can apply your learned focus to something as simple as a backhop, and then you can choose to operate at your best.

After having done so many MAD shows, I'd learned that I could ride the show and the routine almost autonomously. (Having to really concentrate after the odd heavy night ensured that!) I could then focus on the other parts of the show such as developing rapor with the crowd/commentator, putting in that extra stylish flick, or even just on my backhopping technique), which gives the show an extra element, and also the chance for me to improve my own riding in new ways.

There are endless things you can do to help increase your concentration, focus and balance. The best being meditation and yoga, but remembering to catch yourself and notice when you drift off mentally is a big thing you can do all the time. A full body stretch helps open you up too.

It's been said that trials riding is 80% mental and 20% physical, whilst I'd agree that the mental side of trials is huge, it's more about what is the limiting factor holding you from progressing (or just having more fun). A move might present itself that you feel confident in doing, however there gets a point where physical limitations outweigh mental ones. Sometimes you might, for example, not have enough physical strength in your arms and hands to hold on to the bars after a certain downgap (Bristol, *cough*), despite being fully committed mentally. Of course you could argue that with enough concentration and focus you can achieve super-human hand strength and it would be OK, but that's another area.

One rider example is comparing Matt Awkright and Damon Watson sidehop. Damon's got good technique, but a few digger-loads of power to boot, whereas Matt has less power, but is far more flexible and utilises his muscles better. This increase efficiency is actually hard-wired into our brains to be more beautiful to watch, and it is.

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I ride and balance just as well if not better with headphones in, I find balance is more involuntary or physical than mental

what this guy said^^^^ when im out with my mates and just in a noisey enviroment im always less focused on what im doing and get destracted by my all the noise, bang some headphones in and it cancels everything out and you can focus on what your about to do.

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what this guy said^^^^ when im out with my mates and just in a noisey enviroment im always less focused on what im doing and get destracted by my all the noise, bang some headphones in and it cancels everything out and you can focus on what your about to do.

that plus 2 cans of redbull..

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I ride and balance just as well if not better with headphones in, I find balance is more involuntary or physical than mental

I went and tried both, but I think when I hit my zen point it makes no difference whether theres music or not or cars going by etc.. But it does make the times in between concentrating more fun. Only problem is sometimes I get carried away by the music and start day dreaming.

In trials, I discovered my ability to concentrate is highest when the risk/reward (ie challenge) are highest, meaning I've damn well got to be completely focussed to not come up short. That'd explain my love for big down gaps, bollards and rail rides!

There are endless things you can do to help increase your concentration, focus and balance. The best being meditation and yoga, but remembering to catch yourself and notice when you drift off mentally is a big thing you can do all the time. A full body stretch helps open you up too.

I started meditating, and I think its had the biggest impact out of everything, over the past couple of days, Ive noticed more improvement, and Im more focused more often and more focused when im focused if that makes sense. I used to stretch alot, but since taking up biking more I don't seem to do it as much, will get on that more.

Oh another thing I thought about while riding in the week is im better at balance beams when it's night. Under artificak light like street lamps I seem to improve, anyone else found this or am I just special?

I think I agree, its more chilled out, I like the atmosphere, and in some places the street lamps light up a little circular area so you have a little bubble to concentrate in. The darkness takes away lots of un-needed information.

With balance stuff I try to not think about balancing. Instead, I think of other random stuff ,such as what I'll have for breakfast in two days time, and hopefully by the time I've decided I'm at the end of the rail or whatever.

Im the opposite I mustn't think about anything otherwise im wobbling all over the place.

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Oh another thing I thought about while riding in the week is im better at balance beams when it's night. Under artificak light like street lamps I seem to improve, anyone else found this or am I just special?

Could well be less distraction (if that's an issue) as ooo pointed out, or perhaps the lower light levels make it more difficult to naturally balance (just seeing the horizon is a big help), meaning you have to try harder to balance - more than you normally do..

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