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Scirocco's got a fresh 12 months MOT on it now! Passed first time with the only prep being a change of thermostat so it didn't overheat and a pair of new tyres!

Also, YAY I no longer have stretched tyres on my car. I've been too cheap to change them before they're warn out, but they finally died and have been replaced with a pair of properly sized Toyos. Just need the next pay-day to come so I can replace the other 2 with Toyos too. (At least properly sized at the moment though.)

Also, my mileage history on the MOT cirtificate made me laugh, my car definitely looks clocked now!:


(the new lower mileage is correct for the engine.)

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Better still, reset the trip odometer, start with a full tank and calculate based on how much you use brim to brim. Provided nobody's running too far out of OE tyre circumferences it might be the closest we can get to a realistic comparison? Certainly close enough for "t3h lulz".

In fact, provided nobody resets the odo we could set a start and end date and just keep track of all fuel fillups in between. That way we're not waiting months for Dan to finish a tank either :P

Anyone game for a fortnight from tomorrow? Any longer and we'd be including any longer Christmas/New Year treks that'd skew the results a fair bit.

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Would anyone actually be properly up for this? Would be pretty cool cheers luke for that makes sense to do it like that.

Obviously this is just for a laugh but gets everyone involved in something for once rather than just updating stuff now and again on here :)

Haha I do get through some mileage, done 420 miles since Friday!

Edited by dann2707
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Yeah just general useage as an "out of interest type thing rather than an all out highest/lowest economy challenge-style whatsit.

Brim the car tomorrow, keep track of how many litres of fuel you put in between midnight tonight and midnight of Tuesday 17th (ie becoming Wednesday) when we brim it again and see how many miles you cover. Work out economy and have a discussion point for a while.

Not exactly thrilling, but it seems to have kept this topic alive today so people must be remotely intrigued :P

Edit; Dann, doesn't matter - not fussed by how much to a tank, just how many miles you cover for the amount of fuel you use (Y)

I'm in if you fancy it?

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That and if you did it as £30 then it's pure guess work as to when you've used exactly that amount... If you fill your tank, drive X miles, then refill the tank you know exactly how many miles you've travelled and exactly how many litres you've used to do it.

It's pretty simple, why don't people get it? :huh:

Anyway, my Audi does 27mpg, over 300 purely motorway miles, non stop at 60mph... Any faster and it does about 15mpg haha

Edited by Jolfa
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