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Knee Problems, advice? (one too many stunts?)


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Nope, I've not been to a doctor.

I am going to keep it simple and not use any fancy words for this..
I'm right foot forward and my right knee cap points slightly outward, (do most people find that their rear leg becomes more developed due to it taking more force in landings ect?) This is due to my under developed muscle circled in red. I can't seem to stimulate this muscle whilst pulling stunts or even walking.

After a stunting session my knee feels irritated and sometimes inflamed in the area circled in yellow, often my knee caps appear to be slightly raised. I also have problems getting out of the car after a long journey with no leg room and it takes a few days for my leg straightening abilities to return to normal NOT FUN AND PAINFUL. only 19 inall!!!


so what I'm asking is, has anyone had this problem or any experience with this?
I'm trying to find an exercise to stimulate the inner muscle and help develop it so that when the knee is in use it pulls the knee tracking back to where it should be

Thanks in advance 


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thats a pretty standard injury mate, your patella isn't tracking properly, the medial and lateral heads of the quadriceps need to pull equally to keep the patella running in its groove. There's loads of treatments available online, just see your doctor and tell him it is superbad and get a physiotherapist, otherwise he may just fob you off with ibuprofen which won't fix it. Also it is usually about 6 weeks wait on NHS so you may want to get one private session asap to get the exercises early while you wait, it would normally be around £35 and in terms of health and life it is well worth it.

If you ride it while damaged you can create a permanent condition where the patella continuously weakens. Just take a break until you fix it and it'll be better than ever I promise.

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4 hours ago, ooo said:

thats a pretty standard injury mate, your patella isn't tracking properly, the medial and lateral heads of the quadriceps need to pull equally to keep the patella running in its groove. There's loads of treatments available online, just see your doctor and tell him it is superbad and get a physiotherapist, otherwise he may just fob you off with ibuprofen which won't fix it. Also it is usually about 6 weeks wait on NHS so you may want to get one private session asap to get the exercises early while you wait, it would normally be around £35 and in terms of health and life it is well worth it.

If you ride it while damaged you can create a permanent condition where the patella continuously weakens. Just take a break until you fix it and it'll be better than ever I promise.

Thanks for the advice man, I'l look into it. 

I cycle about 12 miles a day on average in sprint mode about the city on 42:12 gearing with SPD's so I guess I should tone that down a notch and think about getting lighter gearing 

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10 hours ago, ItsMatt said:

Thanks for the advice man, I'l look into it. 

I cycle about 12 miles a day on average in sprint mode about the city on 42:12 gearing with SPD's so I guess I should tone that down a notch and think about getting lighter gearing 

Ah I see, normal cycling locks your legs into one highly repetitive plane of motion, the legs and hips are made to work at many angles. So it is quite common to get muscle imbalances, after you are fixed up try to incorporate some more varied exercise, like running that involves moving sideways and changing direction a lot, football, cross country running or boot camp style training should be suitable.

Your physio may find that your knee problem originates from a hip problem, that would put one side of your quad in a dominant position. If your vastus medialis is under developed, that usually means that when you squat you have a tendency to push outward with your legs. This would mean your have to squeeze (adduct) your hips more in your squatting and cycling and stuff. But it is best to get a physio to check you, because making assumption can screw you over more. good luck dude!

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