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First look at the london ride track


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Right or wrong, its publicity for trials, and the few that do something about it get F*****g slated as usual. Ross's brilliant dark humour aside. Get of yer desk bound arses and help, then you will have something to contribute. The negativity in this country is outstanding. Well done guys.

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7 hours ago, kevind said:

Right or wrong, its publicity for trials, and the few that do something about it get F*****g slated as usual. Ross's brilliant dark humour aside. Get of yer desk bound arses and help, then you will have something to contribute. The negativity in this country is outstanding. Well done guys.

Slated for hopping a couple of inches over a f**king twig is deserved, its actually hilarious to me, beyond a joke, dropping from a plank to a circle on the floor, big f**king deal, make it something worthwhile at least. Top riders of the WORLD, dancing over a plank. See Damon smash better stuff on a casual ride. No desks Here, just a saddle and normal clothing, riding my bike.

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12 hours ago, Ross McArthur said:

Highest side hop up a wall.... To pedal.

74 hops over a bar... on the floor (I'm glad we got a close up of that one)

And today ill break the world record bull shitting contest.


BIU rules.

75 at Fort Bill

Not a chance been getting away with it for far more years.

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...but for serious, fair play for Andrei getting that comp organised.  Not a huge fan of the WR stuff, but the main riding event looked pretty legit from the admittedly limited media I've seen from it so far.  Having an event like that actually make trials look cool is a massive rarity.

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What burton put on was a good event ...... and showcased what trials is about , and can only do our belived sport good . Ok the world record stuff may not be to everyones taste.....however it gets people looking our way and be like " oh look what these guys are doing over here" . Media as we all know will never show a full edit of what we do or what is a good line or not. The media will only put out what they think is right which as ever is far from the truth. I have been shows /demos ect but this was pretty cool and to have there names we did was a blessing to watch .


All i can say is wait for the kitchen wizard that is matt to drop his load and make your minds up from there, man worked his little camera nuts off that day so I hope you can all appreciate what comes out with. 

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