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Shub - Brakeless


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Agreed with the above comments, even your watch is sweet. 

Late to the T-F party here as it has been all around Facebook and back. The fact that you've mentioned that you're getting better each ride brakeless makes myself and presumably all the above look forward to your next edit. Really nice camera and edit work also so maybe you guys could work together more? 

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Cheers guys. Really appreciate the comments!

Some lines could have been improved for sure. It misses some manuals and endos as we said @Dman ;)

I can't say I am a bit better at every brakeless session @Paperclip but I think I get more confidence/understanding of what real balance point is and what's possible to commit or not. I would like to film more with Jules at some point but I want to buy a Canon as I really love static framing too.

I like the achievement : " -oops I can't gap to rear here how can I manage a brakeless line here?" "-How can I stop my bike without brakes?" -"Where can I stand on the rear wheel?" @aener^_^

Weird fact is that it pushed me on some spots where I was scared and cramped with brakes. To have a dude following me with a big cam for the first time too.

I truly like the way I hold my bars brakeless. It gives so much control and strength. (My highest sidehop, 90°gap and rolling bunny up are here) it feels lighter too. 

I am always intimidate to post footage here, as I know it's tiny safe spots and some bmx spin/rolling stuff. There're some insane trials dudes here who truly make me want to learn more and more trial moves. @Ross McArthur glad you liked it.

I still really enjoy to show how those bikes are versatile and enjoyable despite the lack of experience. 

I might keep my brakes off for a while as I really enjoy it.

Thanks again ! 




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3 hours ago, Shub_Step said:

I am always intimidate to post footage here, as I know it's tiny safe spots and some bmx spin/rolling stuff. There're some insane trials dudes here who truly make me want to learn more and more trial moves. @Ross McArthur glad you liked it.

Thanks again ! 




Yea, and intimadated is where you belooong nigga!

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