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Racing Line Lever Play


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Are other people getting massive amounts of lever play developing in their racing line brakes? I have the 2005-2010 CNC'd replacement lever body (the first one they released) with the Trialtech Blade. It used to be really solid, but has developed a ridiculous amount of play in the lever blade, about 3/8" in each direction.  A little play doesn't bother me, but this is too much.  The pivot bolt is as tight as possible without binding up the blade.  It almost looks like the blade / body have worn down only on one side of the pivot point.

Anyone else experiencing the same thing? Good solutions other than a replacing the whole thing?

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I also have a 1st gen, single bolt bar clamp Racing Line body (the later version had a two bolt split clamp). It was fitted xmas 2013 (and been in continuous use) and has not experienced the symptoms you describe. There is a little more play than with a magura 05, but it cant be more than 5mm even with the pivot bolt hanging half way out (using standard mag 05 lever blade).

Cheaper V-brake levers (tektro for example) use those little white plastic shims to overcome wobble like you describe, maybe find some of them/make your own and retrofit? 

EDIT: Re read your post; Do you possibly mean that the pivot bolt hole in the lever blade has elongated?

Edited by CC12345678910
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So I investigated further today and think I figured out what happened.

The Trialtech blade is painted.  The paint wore off in a half circle on both sides of the pivot, but on opposing sides. I think this was probably due to the sideways forces trials riders place on it.  I lightly sanded the remainder of the paint off and it seems to be working better.  Any little imperfection is highly magnified by the length of the lever.

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On 01/04/2017 at 1:38 AM, cwtrials said:

The Trialtech blade is painted.

It's anodised, but the blade will wear in the way you have described with the up and down play. It's a limitation of the way the blade fitting system is designed in the lever body.

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