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M615 brakes


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I have avid bb5 cable disc brakes currently fitted  to my flow plus and have a set of shimano m615 brakes sat doing nothing as took them off my full sus when I upgraded to xt , was wondering if the m615s would be better than the cable avids ( even though the avids  seem to have a lot more of adjustment ) .

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theyre deores right? they work really well, most of the curent shimano stoppers are pretty savage, are your brakes underperforming? bb5s are pretty well regarded in trials for their stopping power and general toughness, i'd keep them on until i ruined them or found them at fault. but you shouldn't be dissapointed with the shimanos either. 

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I'm not quite so convinced - you'll likely get reasonably decent hold with the Shimano setup, though I'd expect the bite on the Avids to be a little better which, for trials use, I'd personally prefer.

Still, if they're just kicking about there's no harm in throwing them on for a few rides and making your own mind up ;)

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I rode with these brakes earlier this year too see what the bite was like as there just 2 piston. I'm back on Zee's now as I like a bit more hold. What I can suggest is too buy some EBC red pads too fit and give more hold, these https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ebc-Shimano-Deore-Hydraulic-525-Disc-Brake-Pad-Red-Bike-Cycling-/122617527711?epid=0&hash=item1c8c92fd9f%3Ag%3A-vwAAOSw7ChZeKbQ&_trkparms=pageci%3A979165f3-93c8-11e7-a73f-74dbd1805fb6%7Cparentrq%3A5c53a96215e0ace037faaa3dfffa19b6%7Ciid%3A3Also what size rotors do you run? If your running 203mm, a lot of people break calipers because of the less strength in standard brake adaptors. If you Get one of these It will take the strain off https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B073VR6J79/ref=mp_s_a_1_22?ie=UTF8&qid=1504787740&sr=8-22&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=brake+adapter+203mm+hayes&dpPl=1&dpID=417uGY%2BLmsL&ref=plSrch

One last thing, too stop the pads rocking I tapped out the holes where the axle pin for the pads go and fitted one of these too stop the pads from rocking, this https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Shimano-XT-M785-Pad-Axle-and-Snap-Ring-Pad-Holder-Pin-Screw-for-XT-Saint-/191710530976?hash=item2ca2d68da0%3Ag%3Ao0UAAOSwRH5XLF2m&_trkparms=pageci%3Aad69efdf-93c9-11e7-8eb6-74dbd18069e7%7Cparentrq%3A5c5ac65315e0abc0305dec67fff7c132%7Ciid%3A1


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