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Everything posted by Reinold

  1. Sheffield ride
  2. Reinold

    Crazy Bmxer

    Trials is shit....Valid.
  3. BMX. I'll be making an appearance if i sort me BMX out int morning.
  4. Fisheye and shiity f**king editing made that vid barely watchable.. Riding was mint, sidehops were a bit small for you though.. what happened to that 60" sidehop you did? Why are you on a kids bike? get a stock you hippy
  5. OH MY GOD ITS GOT A SEAT! That looks seriously dialled man i f**king love it Take brake of and you'll be as cool as me
  6. Im in leicester atm so i'll defo be riding, Ben and DK are defo riding n all Ill sort you out paddy wi tar paddy
  7. Reinold

    My Gu

    First impressions of the bike are good, only had a five minute session on street though. I'll let you know how i get on when i go for a proper ride. Cheers ben Yeahs its paddys old one, swaped it for me 07 gu.
  8. Reinold

    My Gu

    Stripped pro 2 about a month ago, got me backwheel today so built bike up straight away. Wheel needs trueing and bike will be perfect.
  9. If DK or Grant are going then ill be there
  10. Setting of now be there at 11:48 you lot better be coming
  11. Reinold


    Can't go wrong with me as camera man Shudda got rid of failed attempts But vid was brill Get a stock you hippy!
  12. i recon ill end up coming just need to get someone to come with me
  13. Title says it all really... Station about 11, so far me and Paddy.
  14. Short notice... sheff tomorow. Meeting at bout 11 sheffield station. Be there or be square.
  15. Reinold

    Mike Hayes

    Stop the violence, think of the children
  16. Reinold

    Mike Hayes

    Can't we all just get along?
  17. Songs by Noisia- The tide Vid wa brill dan, riding and editing wa mint, keep it up
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