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Everything posted by jsychem

  1. a brilliant vid, loved every minute of it, some different stuff to. also great to see a tribute to a man missed by many.
  2. absolutely awesome, massive air! never seen anything like it. glad i watched that vid
  3. yeahh if you hadnt realised there was actually two people in the video joel!!! nice 1
  4. jsychem

    Toni Bou

    that is just class, makes it look like he isnt even trying! nd an interesting fact for the day! the engine costs over 65 g's to make as it is factory built!
  5. some sweet side hops to rail there... keep it up
  6. have more modulation in you're brake, if the lever comes in further then you have greater strength, thus giving you less arm pump. I no it is a little bit of the point but worth a try all the same.
  7. If i was you i would go for a 180 out of personal preference, a bit more power and if you ever want a stock then the brake is still perfect.
  8. I once heard of a bank that had a meeting about having too many meetings, you have just done exactly that, making a topic about practically making too many pointless topics. Anyway, good luck. Adam
  9. I have done d.t. gcse this year so knew where to find it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/...rialsrev3.shtml Toughness is the ability of a material to withstand blows or sudden shocks without breaking. Hope that helps!
  10. That looks absolutely stunnin
  11. absolutely crazy... that was huge
  12. good find mat. Is a preety unusual vid. See u soon Adam
  13. jsychem

    Tms Rider

    Quality video, so inspirational.
  14. jsychem


    I thought that was great. hope hes got a proper trials bike now because he would certainly be good
  15. gr8 vid, he seems to defy gravity every where
  16. That moving car line was cool, and some large stuff in there, good find .
  17. That was un-real, never seeb abything like it!
  18. what an inspirational video!
  19. jsychem


    That was un-real. suprised he didnt shit himself
  20. I thought that was good for you're first vid, also love that song!
  21. two amazing videos there, good find
  22. How is spar mitcho, you the manager yet? we saw all you're coleagues (best mates 2 outside burger bar hows the car goin?
  23. that is fooking awesome! never seen anything like it. Waht advertising
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