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About nikolai

  • Birthday 09/09/1979

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  • Real Name
    nikolai braun
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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Another lost thread from OTN... anybody here from Fort Collins, CO? I got the job, I'm moving there the last week in January. I could use some advice for picking a quiet neighborhood to find an apartment or house share. I'm: nikolai.braun at gmail.com
  2. Reading around on the Biketrial Federation webpage, I see that British Cycling does have some involvement in UK observed trials. I think I need to talk to my buddies again to clarify with what administration and organization British Cycling is and is not involved. I thought I understood it after a conversation today, but I guess I don't.
  3. Okay, so British cycling has some involvement with the pro-level end of things. But why has observed trials in the UK opted against having British Cycling involved in lower level riding-- the British Trials Cup for instance?
  4. Facts: --I am not riding observed trials anymore, however I am and always will be a fan and a supporter of trials. --I have recently made friends with members of British Cycling here in Manchester. --British cycling is flush with money, infrastructure, and enthusiasm for developing British cycling talent to compete internationally. Questions: Why is observed bicycle trials in the UK under the same organizational umbrella of Moto-trials (the ACU? is this accurate?) (edit- the AMCA) Why is observed bicycle trials in the UK not under the organizational umbrella of British Cycling?
  5. nikolai

    pictures of stuff

    pictures of things T-F related
  6. I think I gave up waiting at 12:25.
  7. I guess I was waiting at the wrong train station. I was at Piccadilly, you all must have met at Victoria.
  8. The weather looks sub-optimal for a trials ride on Saturday http://uk.weather.com/weather/detail/UKXX0092?dayNum=1 If I can kick my cold, and if the weather isn't too bad, I'll be there.
  9. I went exploring this weekend out in the Peak District. I found rocks-- lots of them. And it wasn't too far from a train station either. pics here, but I was out by myself, so no action shots. http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=34359
  10. Best ride ever? I'm sure glad I ditched work for this one. When you get a bunch of trials-riding Mancunians together...well... I don't know what happens.
  11. What kind of lock did you use? Any idea how they got through it?
  12. I need to start preparing for the day when my friend with a car moves to Canada, and I can no longer depend on his automobile to reach good trials rocks. Can you guys recommend some decent trials spots out in the Peak District that are close (3-ish miles) to a train station. There has got to be a spot off of the the Manchester-Sheffield line, or maybe around Marsden that is as good as Bacup Quarry or Shipley Glen. Let me know where to go. Thanks!
  13. I did make it out with my bicycle. This happened about four hours ago and I'm still tense and jumpy. England is a s-hole. Today is the first day since arriving in the UK that I felt homesick.
  14. Do not ride in Salford. I mistakenly advised people that Salford has a lot to offer a trials rider in this thread: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=111234 I had only explored that place before on weekdays. It looked a little shady, but okay. I guess all the miscreants were either in school or in some court-mandated reform program. I went there this morning and was chased by two gangs of criminal youths who were shouting "Give me your motherf-ing bike!" one of the gangs was pelting me with stones. One asshole threw his bicycle at me. Do not ride in Salford.
  15. Do not ride in Salford. *post edited because you should not ride in Salford
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