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About Lokoxx

  • Birthday 06/22/1994

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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  • County (UK Only)
    Non UK
  • Real Name
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Bionic B5R 2011- Thinking about switching to 24"!
  • Country
    Spain, Spanish State

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Trials, photography, video&photo editing, parties, friends, BMX, downhill, and any kind of 2-wheel sport!
  • Location

Lokoxx's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Hi, first of all, I dont know if this is a repost. If so, just dont bother posting and no problem I loved this video when I watched it, I think its great! https://vimeo.com/44413668# (If you´re an Admin and know how to embedd this video correctly, please feel free to do so! )
  2. I´m that guy on the Echo...haha. The fact is i´m very lazy and I do not ride everyday, so its ok. However, my future plans include shortening them haha!
  3. Thanks Scotty! For now I´m not thinking about webpages or blogs, I´m fine with my YTB U2B Channel. And as I said so, maybe my response was a bit aggressive. Everythink OK I assume.
  4. You are still writing with no idea about what you´re writing. Yes, I googled that and made a research before starting. I appreciate your answers as they can help me in future or to solve the problem, they can be a guide, but I repeat, that´s not the tone, you don´t even know me. I´m sure you don´t have a shitty life, I was not actually meaning that, I was just showing you that from your words, your personality could be deduced as stressed. And again, I´m not saying you´re a stressed man, the thing is that with that attitude when writing, it´s the kind of personality which comes up to mind. And well, I ensure you I´m not as you describe me (uneducated young f**k), in reality you have no arguments to say this, as I have always written you with respect. Not wanting to carry with this too long, I apologise if you have felt insulted. Regards!
  5. Thanks for telling me this, I didn´t knew it was not working in other resolutions. However, you are also implicitly telling me you´re a pedantic and arrogant person. Your tone was not the appropiate one, and you have no f**king idea if the problem was due to laziness or not, which clearly wasn´t. Hence, shut up and avoid saying that sort of stupid things. From your words I could deduce you might have a shitty life, or that you just are a 40 year old virgin, but something makes me stop giving an opinion which is possibly incorrect - EDUCATION. So, I hope you don´t take this as an insult or something serious, its not my intention.
  6. Hi guys! I post here the first study of trials moves. It is an amaaaazing video, believe me, you have not seen anything similar. The producer is the spanish street rider Carlos Lopez, and this video is his end of degree proyect. The video lasts 14 minutes, although it has been created through months and months of hard work, and with expensive audiovisual material. Carlos made a big big effort to finish this proyect, and being objective, I think he has surely achieved his expectations of the video. The rider in the video is Lite (Alexis Villar), another top spanish street rider. He has also worked in the proyect helping with his advises about sport physics. Here´s the link. The video is subtitled to english, so I hope you watch it till the end. I recommend you to watch it in HD FullScreen, as video quality is optimum.
  7. YOUR EYES!!! Whats wrong with them? I just adjusted the channel to fit perfectly in a resolution of a 19" screen. If you´re using a lower screen resolution, please click Control and roll the mouse wheel to zoom in/out, in order to see the complete page correctly. Sorry for that!
  8. It´s quite short, but comfortable. 1065mm 72º BB RISER: 30mm 1,590 KG
  9. Hi everyone, as I am injured and only study days before exams, I´m having plenty of spare time, so I decided to completely re edit my channel, giving it a new design which makes it more eye-catching. Youtube/Lokoxx1 Hope you like it, let me know! Feel free to make any suggestions!
  10. I was in your situation when I was thinking about going stock... And I made a really good business, I sold my Bionic B5 and bought this Echo and I ended up earning money... haha! So if your desire is to go stock, look in the 2nd hand market. If you want it new, Benito Ros is now selling old Koxx stuff, I saw a Koxx Foxx for less than 700 pounds as I remember, but maybe I´m wrong.
  11. Thanks Ali! I remember it rides smooth
  12. Hi, I have not yet upload any pics from my new 26", so here they come. I have only ride it twice, as when riding it for second time I injured my back - you should always warm up guys! Hope you enjoy it! Any questions please ask!
  13. Amazing moves you on the brakeless. Really inspiring and entertaining. Posted on Spanish Forum!
  14. Lokoxx

    Other Hobbies

    Karate, weight lifting, hunting ebay deals, also "playing with boobs" (nice one), video edition and production.
  15. Lokoxx

    Snow -.-

    Hahahaha I used to stay at home, because with snow, bails appear easily and in cold conditions, they´re nastier
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