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Everything posted by onza_boi

  1. but the plastic is threaded, and isn't moving at all?
  2. so if i have a leaver and i want change the plastic tpa to a metal tpa wheel how do i get the plastic out and the metal in?
  3. just grind around the inner wall? as in looking where the rim tape goes?
  4. i have a front old echo rim its dual wall, was wondering what the easiest way to make it into a single wall?
  5. basicly ^ has anyone got/seen any pictures of abel's ozonys? have seen videos of him on it but never seen a picture or spec of it.
  6. when do you think the new trials / if the trials section will be made by?
  7. cheers guy's! means quite allot to think that my riding is good! as i just see it as standard and always think it needs in prooving!but ali im fully aware i dont have a helmet on ! as i quoted when i posted it! it baffels me that you carnt read!
  8. here it is , spend around 3 weekends on it ... and my bike broke with a few clips that i still need to get , but just put some smaller clips in... but yeaaaaah! ps. i know i dont have a helmet on !
  9. well mine is strong light and smooth to ride
  10. because its saying what do you think off these
  11. no too shure but i prefer mods what does other people like ?? there u go ryan haha
  12. if u are planing on stem n bar whats ur price range
  13. i was wondering will the Echo TR Cage pedals fit onto my crankshttp://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=183&category_id=514 they are the Echo 7075 CNC help me out thanx reece
  14. and what are the best pads for there money ??
  15. where in leeds do u live because i live in leeds too
  16. thanx what do peps think of my pics ??
  17. is there a video because my are not square if there is could you send me it
  18. HELLO GUYS i don't think this has been posted yet! so what's even the difference between metal backings for hs33 or plastic backings ?? because I won pair on sunday but just haven't got round to fitting them because my bike is a shape and a half so im doing it all this weekend here is the link to the pair Ive won theres only like 10 made ill get pics up if you can help or you can just comment feel free thanx reece ill also get link to all my comp photos and national pics too pads : http://www.phatworks.co.uk/ the gold pair the pics comps:http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=185763&id=1382064326 and others here too:http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1443592214770&set=a.1443592014765.210668.1382064326&ref=fbx_album thanxx reece !
  19. Shipley Glen Addingham Moorside Lee Quarry Brimham Rocks
  20. Hay people I'm pretty stuck with places to ride, I ride Shipley Glen alot and I'ved here alot of people saying that leeds is good BUT NOT BEEN and I live quite close by so I think im off on this sat .. so some places to ride close by to Leeds here's a list of places where I've RODE: Shipley Glen Addingham Moorside Lee Quarry Brimham Rocks so could you tell me places to ride thanks REECE
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