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About flower

  • Birthday 12/11/1986

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    planet-x pitbull, superlights, hope xc's on 521, avid 7 and maggie, tensiles. Its a tank!!!

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  • Interests
    women, trials, motorbikes, music, beer
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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Now find some figures for cannabis related crimes and the compare them to alcohol related crimes. And dont forget lil man alcohol is a drug.
  2. Can i ask why you wanted a wider rim? I know you wanted a wider rim but would you sacfafice strength over width. It is a known fact that Mavic are the best wheel producers, and when i changed to a wider rim it made my bike look bad ass. But the only difference was that the wider rim dented and i found myself every 5mins looking at my rim thinking, "shit is it f**ked". I would personally buy a d521 as in the picutre. And if more people had frames which could fit a D521 i highly believe many of them would go back to one. It was designed, built, and dispatched straight from gods of an ancient time, long ago, in a far away land, it is the D521 Be wise by a 521. If not good luck.
  3. Are you a total idiot? Try reading the above posts
  4. email LEON on the forum he was selling one for about £100 looked mint. It was the jamacian one.
  5. no it wont work. If you used a old school c2 leaver then yes, because it runs on a closed system unlike the trial which works on an open pot system. (i may have the 2 mixed up) but thats irrelevent it wont work, well to a trials standard anyway. It will be like the ultimate spungy mess.
  6. Oh i see m8 sorry. Dosnt look all that but if it stops you and is more powerfull then nice job. Most people say go and buy one. But it takes a bit of savvy to actually do it. Nice one.
  7. I'm confused are u trying to say you have made your own disk and pads but the pads don't stick to the backings? or that you need some assistance or is it something irrelevant that you put up due to boredom.?
  8. or go in write ur name and walk out. thats wat my m8 did. But ur call..
  9. And i bet after u hit him he would make u look "like a right little girl" .
  10. Smash every joint in the body with a hammer and bolster. Start with the toes, then up and up and up until you get to the head. then using a 25mm wood bit start drilling in there ear dum and push Very hard on hammer mode. Then watch and wait for the blood to drain. Then for giggles place 26" large 3 inch thick innertube (kenda downhill) then contect to a compresser (or hand pump what ever you wish). Push inertude into anas all the way in and leave the valve out the ass. Conect the pump and voi la, we have more blood and shit.
  11. 1. iv just brought the car some i'm not gunna sell it. 2. i like it 3. the reason i need new wheels is that the car is a hazard. It has not traction what so ever thats why i want new wheels, its mainly the width i need as mine are like a rizzla thickness = HAZARD. (and before you ask the tiers are fine) 4. Granted it is french but f**k it at least its not german!!! 5. I think i will ignore most comments as they were about as useful as a latex glove full of spunk. I think Raped comes to mind.
  12. good call, any ideas, i need to buy summing so badly
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