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About powerz

  • Birthday 04/10/1989

Contact Methods

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Ashley Read
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Koxx Marco hoesel
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  • Interests
    Trials/MotoX & Quad bikes, Cars,
  • Location

powerz's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Massive Thank you to all those that showed up today and showed their support and made such generous donations. All in all a total of £230 was raised by you all and there was still cake left haha And of course a huge thanks to Maria & Michael for helping make this whole event possible
  2. come on peeps More riders = A BETTER DAY
  3. BUMP Hi guys just wanted to update this post to help get it noticed and hopefuly get more riders to attend, details as follows: Barrows Farm 14th April from 10am until 6pm. £7 to ride all day with £5 going to the CLAPA charity. Also if you have a spare 5minutes please check out our story http://www.justgiving.com/Alexandra-Louise0 Thank You again and hope to see you there, Will be a fun day
  4. Afew of us locals are having alittle sesh, weather permitted, hasn't been a clacton ride for some time now so would be nice to get afew people to attend before the weather gets to nasty. Meeting at clactons skatepark at 11 and from their head along the seafront. Hope to see you their
  5. Im from clacton but work nights so can join you all in afternoon. What time are you getting to clacton for & where is everyone meeting? as their are afew of us but I'm not sure if the other lads are working or not so I shall ask
  6. This event will be 14th of April which is a Saturday so hopefully peeps won't be working . Starting at 10 till 6
  7. Hi Since finding out my baby boy (due 27th dec) will be born with a cleft lip i have joined the Cleft Lip And Palate Association who have helped me and my partner and other parents so much and wanted to help them by raising funds for the charity and also awareness of the charity and the condition ect So anyway ive spoken to Maria & Michael at radical bikes (barrows farm) and they have VERY kindly agreed to holding a one day charity event at the barrow farm venue. This won't be until probably next spring due to the winter weather fast approaching . The fees will be: £7 to ride all day BUT barrows will only be taking £2 of that to cover their insurance costs and the other £5 per rider will be going into the CLAPA charity pot I hope many of you can attend this event? I will update with more info as i get it, if you'd like to know more about clapa check out www.clapa.com Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to see most of you at this event. Ash
  8. Wernt a bad days lil rideing sesh shame about the rain and the fact so many peeps chickend out of stevs b-day ride hold your heads down in shame lol
  9. cool so what time will you be gettin to chelmsford for then tom?
  10. right so riding starts mid day-ish and its SATURDAY for riding yessss?
  11. Would like to know what time and where we are all meeting? if this ride is still goin ahead???????????????????? someone please post some details
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