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Will We Be Seeing A New Vid From Billocks Soon?


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why put i pointless topic like this? and i doubt this would make billocks want to make one, yes they are good, but why dont you just wait.

jamies got a very good point there, just wait, the reason there probably good is because it may take him a while to actually make it decent. so just be pacient.

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hope not , there boring.

i hate reading ur posts, i dont think ive ever read a post which i agree or like :S if its not 24 or spinning you hate it.

if u dont want to see a vid dont post, if u dont like that type of video dont watch it.



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It is a discussion forum, he was making his point. Maybe billocks would think "hmm someone said it was boring, what can I do to improve this". Dont be so negative, sometimes comments such as those can be helpful.

yeah but he comments on every tgs video saying its boring, its shit, always complains about sidehops and complains about rails etc, but billocks videos are one of the best videos out atm, he does 360s n stuff so thought that might be towards the 24 riders.


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I doubt he will be releasing a vid for a while to be honest. Bill likes to get all moves/tricks dialled in so the vids actually look good before he puts them on here.

in response to the fact that some people find the videos boring-well its your own opinion really, however he rides bmx 24" and 26" better than just about anyone i know and regularly

sorry for the rant meh,


whens your vid comming out................................


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