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Picking Out The Right Bike?


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As you can tell, im new here. New to trials completly. But I've been looking at the ZOO! and ECHO bikes. Are they completes or do i need to spend money and build them up? How much do they weigh? I come from a motocross and BMX background, so I got some build on me. On my BMX bike I can hold it in place with out hopping or moving around to much. And I can bunny-hop about 19-26" when i tuck the bike. I've been looking at the 20" echos, but I've always liked the 26".

What's your guys take on it? Need to know soon, too.

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You can buy most frames as a complete. They're less than 19lbs, it does vary, but the Echo parts are pretty strong generally. The stock bikes 26" might be a big move from 20" wheels as they aren't just bigger, they tend to be allot longer than what your used to. The longer 26" bikes are also allot of effort to bunny hop and manual even when used to riding them.

You might be better off with a short mod 20". It'll be easier to adjust to, and give you some experience before you jump in deep.

It'll also depend on how much money you have to spend. Cheaper decent models like the Onzas come in at around £400. The Echo Lite is like £850 which also has a decent spec.

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