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Eirik Ulltang | April 2010


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Hi! I made a short video this weekend. Named it April 2010, since I guess it's going to be just as popular as the video with the same name from last year. HAHA!

I do suck really bad at choosing the right camera angle, so please add a few inches to your visual perception, it may be bigger in reality, you see! Hah! But, who cares? Right?

And, I added a new term to the sport of biketrials, "all four". Now you should all be doing sidehops all the four ways, ALWAYS! But, seriously, I think this could be fun; "How high can you do the all four?"

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I always thought chocolate foot was good foot forwards... Haven't heard the term in ages though.

Good vid man nice riding. :)

Yeah, chocolate is the good old way of sayin it! Hehe! I though it might sound a little more unique, I guess no other sports use that term.

Thanks for the comments!

Edited by Eiriktrials
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nice and chilled, liked the ups to front and gaps up to front but, the angles did make it hard to determined how big stuff is, and there was rather alot of sidehops, if you added a bit more variation to your riding i think it would be even better :)

Yes, I hate my angles. It's kind of "i don't care, i wanna do the move". I got to be better at it.

Yes, I have always sucked really hard in sidehops, so lately I've been practicing them alot. So, that's the reason why I captured too many of them.

Thanks for the comment!

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