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Reducing the risk of injury?


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Firstly, I understand that avoiding injury completely is impossible and that when riding, injuries will be inevitable. But I'm looking to do everything I can to reduce the chance of injury.

I'm a personal trainer and fitness instructor by day. So it's vital for me to stay free of serious injuries to make a living (bumps, bruises and cuts aren't an issue).

I currently wear a helmet and gloves, as well knee and shin pads every time I ride. I also do everything I can to warm up before riding and to stay flexible.


But as a newer rider what I'm looking for is some advice from people with more experience. Perhaps on which tricks to avoid, or things to be particularly careful with. Or any general tips on keeping free from serious injury.

As always, I'm very grateful :)

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don't push yourself too much or too big until you've mastered everything else before. try to repeat a smaller line and complete it a few times in a row with no faults and roughly the same amount of time each time. hope that makes sense, other than that i don't really know. im still made of rubber so i don't tend to worry too much unless its my teeth :P:)

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You wont advance very much in trials if u don't push yourself. At least that's how I understand it.

I ride every day for a couple of hours and fall off at least 2 or 3 times on even the smallest of obstacles so all I would say is plan ahead and if u don't think you're up to something on one day, don't do it. Leave it until you're in the right frame of mind.

That way u minimise making stupid mistakes i.e. not spotting a sharp rock on the floor which could burst your tyre and cause you to fall off.

Weigh up the risks

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lol Dan. I guess that's one way to stay injury free.

Thanks JJ/tom, I've been taking it steady so far. My first two weeks I've just been working on my basics. Got the backhops now, and pedal kicks are coming along. But I've just started dropping and side hopping off walls and figured I should take it easy. No slips yet, but I think I've got my fivetens to thank for that. I'm guessing the bigger risks start to come with gaps

Edited by Influx
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Learn to bail. Don't be afraid to throw your bike away from you because at the end of the day most people would rather break their bike than themselves. Nobody wants a core sample taken by landing on their bars :P This is the only time that throwing a bike is permitted :)

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Learning to hop on the back wheel confidently before dropping off massive walls and such like will really help you with not injuring yourself. The other main thing is learning how to bail, once you've got that you don't often get injuries other than shindigs and blisters haha

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theres some borg-style thing going on here,everyones the same guy haha

but on topic:

i think if you throw yourself into things you arent confident with you are likely getting injured more often.

just know what you can do or not and let the progression happen by itself.my 2 cts

everytime i injured myself i was doing stuff i didnt feel the need to practise for and thought "go for it" instead of going the path of learning it properly first

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I think everyone has pretty much covered it, push yourself but don't obsess with doing bigger and bigger drops and stuff. Being able to land a 7' drop off doesn't make you a good rider, a good rider practices until he can do something right, a great rider practices until he can't do something wrong!

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