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Cycle tech jobs?


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Looking at the possibility of changing my carrier from a jobs ive fallen into to a job that i have some passion about.

At the moment im working for the prison service so the wages aren't to bad. I know ill be taking a pay cut to work in a shop but i have no idea what sort of wage a cycle tech pays.

Im in Yorkshire, have no qualifications in cycles but do have 17 years of cycling as a hobby so getting certificates wouldn't be much trouble.

Whats sort of wage are cyc techs on nowadays?

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As said the wage is pretty crap. The real bonus point being that you can get bike parts much cheaper usually, also generally working with people you share a passion/hobby with and so I find the people great to work with.

I've been mechanicing for a couple of years and and its not all glits and glamour but it does have its perk.

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