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Tensioner Recommendations


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Just got myself a cannibal to replace my inpulse, but it is the first frame i have fad with vertical dropouts and I'm in need of a tensioner.

I've heard the best is the Rohloff however I'm not sure it fits my hub? (Echo TR 135mm)

There is a echo tensioner that is designed to work with this specific hub and doesn't connect to the mech hanger http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/sprung_tensioners/echo_sprung_tensioner/c48p10600.html

Or do i go for the likes of a trialtech sprung tensioner that does connect to the hanger?

Any words of wisdom appreciated.

Cheers, Paul.

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I'm in same boat.. 74 kingz just isn't up to it,thinking heatsink but still don't look like much chain wrap

I'm in same boat.. 74 kingz just isn't up to it,thinking heatsink but still don't look like much chain wrap

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I cannot post a link for some reason, but look up Yess-labs ETR-V tensioner.

Get the one that mounts directly to the derailer hole.

I have been using this one for the last 5 years, and it still works great!

The problem with the hangers that you mentioned on Tarty is that they mount to the hanger hole, and not the derailer hole. So if the hanger is beant, even just a little bit, your tensioner will not work properly.

With the Yess tensioner, the hanger does not have to be completely straight.

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