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Holy rollers falling out of the bead


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Hey, so I have been using holy rollers on old v1 Inspired rims (ca. 35 mm width) with no problems. But then I got in hold of a nice set of second hand wheels on Spank Dynamal Evo rims (30 mm width). But they deemed unusable with holy rollers - they pop off the beads like crazy, even doing basic stuff (no sideways landings). It doesn't help that I'm quite light and like to run them around 40 psi. I had to put Schwalbe Crazy bobs on these wheels (with no problems) but they are not that nice in terms of grip and I have a set of perfectly good holy rollers lying around.

The question is - did any of you had similar problems? Am I doing something wrong, or is this tyre/rim combo just incompatible? Now that I think about it, it might be a combination of causes - narrow rims, low pressure, flimsy sidewall... I would gladly put something more grippy on the bike, but now I'm reluctant to dump the dough on contis, fearing they would pop off this rim also. Trials world, please help.

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It's the Holy Rollers, there was a batch knocking about that just didn't sit on rims because they're too baggy. I had a set on some Spank rims years back and they used to pop off overnight just sat never mind when riding. 

Only option is to replace the tyres really so if you already fancy contis then go with that! 

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A friend had some 26" Spank rims (Oozy) on his DJ bike and the tyres popped off many times. He hurts himself twice while riding pumptrack. He tried several Schwalbe table top, changed to some other tyres but the problem remains. He ran a ot of pressure (at leaast 60psi/4bars). So he changed the rims for some with bead bites and since then everything is fine.



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  • 2 months later...

A slight update in case anybody googles this problem in the future. Contis just came and I fought the worst battle to even get them on these spank rims. Never experienced such tight fit, and I've dealt with bikes for 20 years now. Suffice to say - I don't expect them to fall of these rims ever, and I dread the day I will have to get them off to patch a tube. Thus - I consider the holy rollers (not spank rims) guilty, case closed.

Edited by Darwinist
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Something to note with getting them on/off - making sure you push the bead fully into the rim well makes a massive difference to how easy it is to get a tyre on or off. All my bikes are tubeless with inserts so doing anything with them is faff, but on the same tyre setup I went from snapping a tyre lever to almost being able to put them on by hand simply by pushing the tyre bead across and into the rim well. It reduces the tension around the rest of the bead so it makes it much easier to pop the last bit of the bead over. If you're at a point where you're trying to pop the last bit of the bead over and you end up doing that thing where you start basically chasing that last bit of bead around the rim, you need to push the bead into the rim well elsewhere.

I was on a mountain bike ride last week and there were a couple of guys struggling to re-fit a "tight" tyre having had to replace a tube. They were using metal tyre levers and a wide array of swearwords, but when I gave the tyre a squeeze around the rest of it and got it into the well, the last bit popped on easily by hand. It's insane how much of a difference it makes, and is something I wish I'd known way earlier in my life!

The profile of Spank rims means you don't get quite as pronounced a benefit (because of the Oohbah profile), but if you get it into the little dips to the side of the 'bead bite' setup, it gives you more slack.

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