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Help fitting hub/ inpulse Blast


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I have this inpulse blast that I’ve never ridden.. but i want to. The wheels came from kevin liu, i cannot get them to work. I hate ffw and am reminded why I never rode it again after the ACS claw days... how the f do i get this to fit- the dropouts measure 135mm and the hub measures 125???  wtf


The picture of it built is what I did 5+ years ago, ripe from a brain injury- i tried to put the heatsink tensioner in there as I HATE horiz dropouts... it was all together but would rub when i pedal kicked. I just took the chain off, and I am trying to go back to horiz dropout style.. like a hobo in 1998 with a monty xhydra.  Is this a trials specifix hub that will never work? Should I get BMX tensioners and say f it?? clamp it down ... strongarm it... never a good idea in my experience, was hoping someone had a better idea:






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What is the overall length of the axle? I agree you need more spacers, so those washers work, snail cams would do the job, or look to Tarty or elsewhere to get "proper" axle spacers. https://www.tartybikes.co.uk/other_hub_spares/jitsie_hub_spacer_single/c596p12981.html?pos=714&search_params=YTo4OntzOjg6ImluX3N0b2NrIjtpOjA7czoxMjoiY2F0ZWdvcnlfaWRzIjthOjE6e2k6MDtzOjM6IjU5NiI7fXM6MTY6ImNhdGVnb3J5X3JlY3Vyc2UiO2I6MTtzOjg6ImtleXdvcmRzIjtzOjA6IiI7czo5OiJicmFuZF9pZHMiO047czo0OiJtb2RlIjtzOjM6ImFsbCI7czo0OiJzb3J0IjtzOjk6InByaWNlX2FzYyI7czoxMDoiY291bnRyeV9pZCI7czozOiIyMzEiO30%3D

Or just buy a bit of aluminum tube and drill it out and cut to whatever length you need.

You could also contact Kevin and he would be happy to tell you how you need a whole new bike, it will be the best ever and then 2 weeks later he'll have a new brand that is soooooo much better than the last one.

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5 hours ago, DJEHB said:

Looks to me like you just need some snail cams, these sit where you have added the washers and should fill the gap either side (as well as tensioning your chain)

I was hoping to use it as they advertised now, it has a built in chain tensioner... 

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3 hours ago, AdamR28 said:

Got a photo of the hub as it is now Andy? Should be straightforward. 

here it is, of course I cannot get the left bolt to unthread... are these ti bolts?? i have 0 clue about this hub or anything trials specific... 





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5 hours ago, PeterH said:

What is the overall length of the axle? I agree you need more spacers, so those washers work, snail cams would do the job, or look to Tarty or elsewhere to get "proper" axle spacers. https://www.tartybikes.co.uk/other_hub_spares/jitsie_hub_spacer_single/c596p12981.html?pos=714&search_params=YTo4OntzOjg6ImluX3N0b2NrIjtpOjA7czoxMjoiY2F0ZWdvcnlfaWRzIjthOjE6e2k6MDtzOjM6IjU5NiI7fXM6MTY6ImNhdGVnb3J5X3JlY3Vyc2UiO2I6MTtzOjg6ImtleXdvcmRzIjtzOjA6IiI7czo5OiJicmFuZF9pZHMiO047czo0OiJtb2RlIjtzOjM6ImFsbCI7czo0OiJzb3J0IjtzOjk6InByaWNlX2FzYyI7czoxMDoiY291bnRyeV9pZCI7czozOiIyMzEiO30%3D

Or just buy a bit of aluminum tube and drill it out and cut to whatever length you need.

You could also contact Kevin and he would be happy to tell you how you need a whole new bike, it will be the best ever and then 2 weeks later he'll have a new brand that is soooooo much better than the last one.

if i had any clue how to contact him i wouldnt be posting :)  has he learned to gap to rear yet ? :p


axle is 145mm...


i like the drill/cut idea ghats my style, maybe a piece of hard wood...

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Where I am at now... arcade fork/hub pieces to the rescue.. not ideal but a better situation, i will get thicker washers for more surface area touching the frame, and then the fun game of chain tensioner / hs33 set up begins .  



. What to folks do when they need to fix a rear flat, remove the chain? yikes




Edited by AndyT
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