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How not to get validated, in one easy step.


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right then,i've been on trials-forum for quite long now.and i dont seem to be getting validated,my mates are getting done in a day or so?,i dont mess around,i dont make stupic topics epsep from this one,i use puntcution.and i haven't been validated,why have my friend been validated after like 5 posts,it gettting me mad. :) :) :)

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right then,i've been on trials-forum for quite long now.and i dont seem to be getting validated,my mates are getting done in a day or so?,i dont mess around,i dont make stupic topics epsep from this one,i use puntcution.and i haven't been validated,why have my friend been validated after like 5 posts,it gettting me mad. :)  :)  :)

practically every new member is getting validated.dunno why but they all seem to be getting validated straight away. :)

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practically every new member is getting validated.dunno why but they all seem to be getting validated straight away. :)

You havnt been on the forum that long to decide that!

Iv had 3 names on here, I first came on here in july last year and I never got validated cause I just kept postin s*** like this thread.

I made a new name and then I actually posted properly! and then I got validated!!

P.S Stop bloody complaining!!!

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I must say spelling and capital letters..

I also say you are a good person form when i sold you summit you where trust worthy and think you would be a good member.

Just use spell check and you will be validated soon :) .

Good Luck sam

Edited by samthebiker
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you just replied so quickly!

If you dont stop making fricking pointless posts like that, you will nEvEr be validated quickly!!!

EDIT: Iv just noticed how fast the new members post!!!! >_< :turned:

Nearly all the threads on page one in the new members part have been posted in today alone!!!

Edited by terror-error
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maybe its to do with quality not quantity :P  (Y)"

Hummm i dont think so have you seen some of the topics these new members are posting? :turned:

I have been on this forum for over a year (just) and i have been a member once before and i didn't come on for a while and i have been put into NMC (N)

rickyb >_<

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One year ago I dont think the validating system was up and running!

I think you got put back into NMC cause you wernt activating your account when the validating system was going to be working, so they put you back!

EDIT: Oh yeah, it is to do with quality, not quantity!!

Edited by terror-error
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As you can see by looking at this linkyeah quality?

that this person has made some of the worst topics while he could have just used the search button :turned:" he has been told many times about the blessed search button >_<

And there are others just like that, that post stupid questions that have been posted before just to get validated and yes there was the validation thing back then (N)


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You've been on since 16th March - Not exactly a lifetime is it?

So it sometimes takes a bit longer for the admin to realise, big deal. If you're on here posting crap (like this thread, sorry!) then you won't get validated, but if you're not posting rubbish then you will be validated, even if it does take a little longer.

If you're serious about using the forum, you won't complain or post pointlessness, and will be validated.

And when are you going to send back my cash?

That's not gonna help your case...

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