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Just to let you all know Andrei Burton finished 2nd in expert so ended up 3rd overall in expert.

I finished 10th in expert out of 35 riders 2 dabs off 7th.

Jack meek was 17th.

Lots of rain, 2 sections cancelled before the comp as the river rose. then 2 more canceled at the end of the day Vincent fell in and his bike got washed down stream. Keita saved an observer from floating away as well.

Leave wednesday

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Just to let you all know Andrei Burton finished 2nd in expert so ended up 3rd overall in expert.

I finished 10th in expert out of 35 riders 2 dabs off 7th.

Jack meek was 17th.

Lots of rain, 2 sections cancelled before the comp as the river rose. then 2 more canceled at the end of the day Vincent fell in and his bike got washed down stream. Keita saved an observer from floating away as well.

Leave wednesday

Patt bring me back a liittle japanesse lady in you luggage :">

well done mate (Y)

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nice 1 patt........ and jack! and andrei! have you got hammered again yet patt haha


ey up appy

me getting hammered, don`t know what your on about, I was just tiered that day.

missing the i-pod wars, they got some cheesy tunes out here!

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Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, there were some more brits who went!

Me and jordie cook went, i came 7th and jordie came 6th, and thats where we came overall as well.

Was a brill comp, weather made it an ermmmmmmmm weird comp.

Before the trial sections 6&7 were cancelled for 20". And then sections 2,3,4,5 were canceled near the end. This was because the rain made the river get very big and the sections were either unridable or to dangerous.

Hopefully get some pics up soonish.

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