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Echo Vs Tensile


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As he ^^ Said....But then if i rode stock i would go for the Middleburns, They are brilliant crank's and there warranty is chuffing excellent IMO i would say Tensile for 20" and Burns for 26"

If it is out of tensile and echo though i would say Tensile all the way....Such nice cranks and VERY rigid and they give you a more controlled feeling of the bike i think :)

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I would go for the Echos. I have heard lots of story's about people snapping tensiles. Echos in my opinon are the strongest.

Get the Echo CNC ISIS from Tarty Bikes (Y)

But like some other people have said...Go for middleburns. You cant go wrong wioth them really, there strong as hell, light and you get a lifetime warrenty agian defects. Burns all the way (Y)

Josh :)

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ive ridden with both, both ridden with an fsa platinum downhill bb, with the same pedals and i prefer the echo cranks, i have found them to be stiffer and i prefer them anyway. by the way the echo cranks are 06

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i would say tensile because the echo cranks have only just come out they have not had time to see if they r good or not :-(Y)

Such an obvious point that I forgot :rolleyes:

Like he said Echo's haven't been out very long at all and I doubt anyone has put them up to sufficient abuse yet to warrant them being called "strong" realistically. In contrast the Tensiles have been out years now and the amount that have snapped compared to sales is still credible in my opinion.

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Tensiles by 8 miles that way ->. Because they have been out longer and a few has snapped but you most know that a lot has been sold aswell. But yer Tensiles have more Pro's then the Echo's. Such as replaceable pedal threads and a slot for a UCI bash fit so you can fit a freewheel fully on.

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I would go for tensile's if I was you mate. Well actually I was trying to decide the same thing earlier today and I decided to go for tensile, you know they can be trusted, they are stiff, many people have run them for years and still not snapped them and they have a good warranty. Echo's on the other hand have not been out for long so we don't know how long they will last, they look nice I will give them that and quite nice to ride.

Tensile's (Y) (I'm not too sure about the new ones though, I haven't heard anything about them).

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