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Sooo Tartybikes You Can Remove A Maxxis Ona Koxx Rim With Ur Fingers


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I have the same problem with my maxxis tyre and koxx rim, it sucks. There nothing you can do about it I don't think. Try squeezing the beads together, it helps a tiny bit...

P.S: The people at tartybikes said they could do it with their hands...I say bring on a vid.

Im ready......

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To my amazement, i have seen a creepy cralwer been taken of a koxx rim by hand with no problems what so ever. Couldn't belive it. As for a 26" i couldn't say.

I think it might be easier if you take it off just after you have been riding on it.

Edited by JT!
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(It has to be a koxx rim with a maxxis highroller 2.5, 2 ply btw...) But yeah, as I said it can't be done.

thats what i have and i can get it off with my fingers.

my fingers are red, sore and just about snapped in to pieces after but i manage to do it.

its all about pride, i hate giving up and needing to use a tyre lever, i would rather struggle on and do it by hand. because im a man!!!!! haha


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I'd like to see it done with a reggie, extra high sidewalls. :-:P

i can do it no probs with a ronnie, or a hog/tryall. its weird. no one else can do it who i know, and if i try on their bikes it dunt work, but on my own i always do it, i think its just the tyres are different

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ive seen adam do this a few times he has a special way of doing it i know hes taken my maxxis off my koxx rim and echo rim.

to tell you truth taking a tyre off with or without tyre levers isnt the hardest thing ever youve got be a bit of a reetard of you cant figure it out.

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to be honest its easyer to remove without tyre leavers, i can remove tube less tyres with my hands which is about 10 times harder than removing a maxxis from a koxx rim, the fact that theres no room leaves no other option than to use ur hands, and if you cold fit them in you wouldnt want to damage them.

the only thing i cant get off with out tyres levers are them stupid solid tyres :-

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to be honest its easyer to remove without tyre leavers, i can remove tube less tyres with my hands which is about 10 times harder than removing a maxxis from a koxx rim, the fact that theres no room leaves no other option than to use ur hands, and if you cold fit them in you wouldnt want to damage them

the other thing i can get off with out tyres levers are them stupid solid tyres :-


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I seen fred savage get my koxx tyre off of a koxx rim, it was the first time it had come off since the factory too. I snapped 3 park tyre levers doing it once.

I'd like to see someone take off a car tyre by hand, none of this bicycle tyre shit, that would actually be impressive.

My Dad's mate used to be a tyre fitter, he could do car tyres pretty much with his hands. This was around the time he was a body builder too though, he could grab to beams from *underneath* then do pull/chin ups gripping with just the tips of his fingers :ermm::S

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