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Botom Brackets


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Whats the pros and cons of isis bottom brackets and square tappered ones, and is there much of a difference in price. I've got a square tapered atm and it works it's way loose every now and then does this happen with isis bbs?

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if you think about it with a isis bottom bracket there is more surface area on the spline, so when this is in a crank arm it means that as the is more surface area the cranks are less likely to work loose and round off the insides of the cranks like square taper cranks do.

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orge i'm a fan of pokemon as well! or is it the happy tree friends? nevermind, isis is more durable, thicker, safer, can be ligher and your cranks won't get out of line so quickly (Y) the cons are, that if the taper wears out (i.e. in a crank) then you will have a very big problem in getting it right. i can take off my zoo crank by just unscrewing the screw and pulling the arm out.

Edited by Inur
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