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read the rules.

you will be validated by a moderator when they see you are fit to roam free within the rest of the forum. could be tomorrow, could be a year. but if you are helpful and have informative and punctuated posts without poor spelling you should be validated fairly quickly

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read the rules.

you will be validated by a moderator when they see you are fit to roam free within the rest of the forum. could be tomorrow, could be a year. but if you are helpful and have informative and punctuated posts without poor spelling you should be validated fairly quickly

or maybe more then a year >_<

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When you stop making pointless topics.

Matt Rushton

Does that include posts like yours?

To make this post not like the one above you can generally post what you like but try to avoid being negative. As long as your puncuation and spelling isn't like this :lol: then your all good to go.

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Just fo all those people thinking it takes to long to get validated.... my mate andy joined a few days a go and got validated after just one post:

I have bled both of my maggies with water and it works perfectly because the leavers spring back so well and are really light to pull the leavers.

The only thing you have got to watch out for is them freezing, you can solve this by just adding a small amount of anti-freeze. You shouldnt have to worry about them freezing now anyway because the weather is getting warmer.

Basically bleed them well and you shouldnt have a problem at all you will just be left with perfect brakes. (Y)

Just goes to show that if you do post well and not rubbish then you WILL get validated.

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