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Avoid Front Dick Drakes Better Than A Hs33

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"Front Dick Drake" ? :ermm:

Depends on your set-up really, what pads you got? - Smooth rim or grind?

I have a 165mm BB7 on the front of my mod, and it's much better than my Magura ever was..

165mm Hope Gothic rotor, BB7, XTR lever, and Slic cable. (Y)

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I typed it on word and no spelling mistakes were made

Just because i type 'flip badge paper calculator' and it comes up with no spelling mistake in Word, doesn't mean it makes sense.

Dick Drake does not make sense.

Edited by N.Wood
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ah yes dick brakes...

i always found that the majority of dick brakes had more modulation

and hs33's were always too on/off or shitty power.

but remember, the bigger dick you get the more powerful it will be.

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Magura hs33 2004 model, standard hosing, plazmatic crm pads, medium sharp grind on rim, water bleed - Could ask for a better front brake.

When i ran my BB7 I was not impressed. After all the reviews of them being amazing i was disappointed.

Magura for the win.


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