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Dj Memorial Ride 13 May 2007


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...so what happened?

He left in a strop then phoned his dad saying i beat him up bcus he nicked my drink and then said i had stolen his jumper so his dad had a go at me and took me home so i missed the rest of a awsome day

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Gutted. Why couldn't you ride away from his dad?

bcus i only had one wheel and he kept phoning my mum and saying tell him to hurry up

and which one r yu? i dont know

i enjoyed it.

you are such a happy man you never ever say much (espessialy please and thankyou! lol)

Edited by uniboy
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Was really good, shame about the weather in the morning. Made it quite daunting to commit to anything, it being wet and 40 odd eyes watching you, but I'm quite happy with how I rode.

Got some nice battle scars from a brakeless bmx'er and got some really nice footage aswell. Was good to meet everyone. :turned:

Anyone got any nice pics???

edit: Just thought I'd point out I'm the guy with the black monty, and the black camo coat.

Maybe It'd be a good idea to just say who you were today, what you were riding as I couldn't be bothered to ask everyone who they were.

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Maybe It'd be a good idea to just say who you were today, what you were riding as I couldn't be bothered to ask everyone who they were.

Good idea, i was the guy in the tie dye t shirt riding the black Giant...

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Was good. Nice atmosphere.

Fat Pants - t pro with orange forks, stripey jumper, jeans and a bag on all the time (i swear, as soon as i take it off and do a move, i fall on my back, and it hurts)

Pics: www.imageshack.us, upload em all, then when they're uploaded, copy the most bottom link of each pic and put them in these tags (without the space) [ img]LINK HERE[ /img]

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Hi. OK still dont get that img thing but oh well! Heres a link to my photobucket - http://s199.photobucket.com/albums/aa136/CalumAtthur/ . Can you tell me who the 'main' person is so I can learn who people are

nice pics mate and oh my god cant belive theres a pic of me bailing up that small wall damm

that was a brill ride even the wether didnt stop us that much lol


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