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Posts posted by guim

  1. Up load the photos to www.photobucket.com.........once u done that copy the direct link of the photo .come over hear to trials forum go to incert link and your jobs done guim


    Thank you Mrkoxx :D

    Here u can see the prototype that im riding at the moment. However, I have designed a new frame that will have some changes and hope will be better (Y)

    thank you again for the comments and for your time :)


  2. Whoa! Holy shit! that was awesome!

    What was the song? I know it was lamb of god, but dunno the name of it.

    Propper beast of a video there

    Thanks to everybody for the comments. the song is lamb of god- descending :)

    i would like to upload some pics of my bike but i dont know how..:S please..NEED SOME HELP! :-

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