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Posts posted by XPbIM3

  1. recently i was offered to buy a Limey2 frame

    just want to ask some(a lot actualy =) ) questions to those who is alredy runs limey.

    how does it feels?

    What is the Geo with 400mm Echo fork?

    Which stem to prefer?

    and another one: does anybody know about complete onza limey2 bike? what part specs?

  2. Come on, "even a chipolata would work with tar" (Tart, ages ago )

    You can not say how good brake is then say you use tar, it means fook all, sorry, but it is true!


    show me the maggie that works without tar and grind any well?

    even if you use good pads the dust will make them work bad in some hours of riding.....

    there tree ways to get you brakes realy to BRAKE:

    1)a little of tar on one side of rim

    2)a little of grind on both sides

    3)a water: put water on rim, brake some and then dry

    as for pushing power - avid set flex frame mounts on my pitbull seriously

  3. actually there is no need in avid ultimate

    im using handmade adaptors+ avid 7+ avid lever+ teflon cable+polyurethane pads+aligator housing and a little of tar

    its more than enought to stop rear wheel in any case.

    Vees are damn good!

  4. wait a minute, that video where guy on giant doing front_wheel_gap and lands his face on top of concrete wall?

    if so, nice to hear you continue to ride, i realy hope you are ok after such bail, cuz that was scary....

  5. right iv got a GU long and i was wondering what the best bar and stem combo is for it... cheers for any help... adrian

    actually gu's bb is quite high, if i were u i would get some 110mmx10degrees stem + Zoo risebar

    souds uncofmortable to you? then maybe 20 degrees VIZ stem, but not higher

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