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Posts posted by Joe_photographer

  1. fuji s5600

    or what ever the new one is

    or fuji s9000

    If you are not worried about being secondhand then get the slightly old Fuji S9500 it has a hot shoe so you can seat the flash on top or get a wireless transmitter off ebay and put the flash wherever you want. The flash does not need to be specific as log as you are patient and find the flash speed then you will be fine.

    You can definitely pick these cameras up for under 300!!!! and the rest will cost you 50 if you look around


  2. I seriously love the first pic of the 2nd group you posted up. The St Pauls gap. Seriously nice pictures. Reall captured the ride nicely I think.

    Top Job.

    Haha and Spode your fatpants headset comment :lol:

    Good work

    dam man! why do i have such odd faces!!! lol that last photo is rather eye catching!

    Thanks it was a great day really made a difference being in a new place as apposed to the usual! Thanks! (Y)

  3. Wehey i finally finished the pictures took me ages as i had to blag it at college and then it turned into a critique. I will get them all done by 7 tonight so keep checking i will also have them on my deviant art page as you can see in my signature.

    Thanks again for the great ride!











  4. HHHHHHHHHHHHH i got back about 1 hour ago and thank god, shame i did not get to day bye to a lot of people :( the pics will be up tomorrow either here or somewhere else i will post the link wherever they end up.

    Anyway it was great meeting you all and i hope to do it again!


    Oh this is one i put up for Chai as i promised


  5. Hello all,

    I have been a member here for a bit now, i forgot about my account. If you would take the time to have a look at Streetfurnituretrials.com. I am the photographer for this site, i would love some opinions on my work.

    What's the whole point of this you may be asking? Well, the point is to make better images. I'm describing the critical nature of the major ingredients so you know what's missing the next time you're critiquing your work. The next major point is you can't have one without the other to produce great images.

    Sure, some of the mistakes that are missing some aspect of one or the other will produce images that look okay. But that's not close enough. I'm talking about knowing why one image worked and the other didn't at the core level. These two ingredients are obvious to most people. Sure, you may say that I need to master my camera "technically" and master the artist stuff as well before making great images. But, did you know that they're operating independently from each other. Even contrary to each other without something guiding the way. The technical and artistic worlds just don't go on their own to produce images.

    They have to work together. That's where Quality comes in. It's the thing that produces the ideas that need the skills from the technical and artistic worlds to produce images. In other words, before technical and artistic expertise there's Quality. Before Quality, there's nothing. Everything flows from it and is subordinate to it.

    Thanks for your time


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