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Posts posted by Rokster

  1. AHOY MATEY's...............

    doubt anybody will remember me but i is sure as hell going. I am officially probably the luckiest bar steward on the trialsing planet ( as well as the oldest waying in at 36.. ahem years of age...) at the mo as i just managed to get me 2003 level boss back after 18 months of sheer torture. Yes me bike was stolen and i havnt ridden since....TILL NOW...!!!!

    Ma baby is back and in one piece, thanks to tartybikes for sending me bits at the speed of a thousand gazelles. (cheers stan)

    I shall be coming from blackpool and i have me very own big ass mini bus which caters for seven riders including me the driver. if you live between blackpool and the venue and dont mind listening to the ramblings of an old balding scotsman, then yer welcome tae a lift.

    see you there..........

  2. cant use premier atm no firewire card :S

    cheers everyone for comments :)

    Hey cap i dling u the noo pal. I can help yee oot wi that fire wire card buddy. It just so happens i got one sitting under me desk doing shag all atm. Its yours for the princly sum of "One shiny new half pence". Or u could just let me tag along wi u one day so when ur a famous trialsin star guru type mogulescent high rolling low lying glittering wonder boy of the 25 century abusing concrete like there is no tomorrow in the style that can only be described as jaw droppingly splendufourus{has me dl finnished yet..........NOPE>>!}. I just want somebody to love me, no body loves me . why, why. WHY.......!!!!!!! OH its finneshed dling now so i can stop talkin crap and watch it noo hehe. FRom one old man to a youngish man.


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