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Posts posted by rosswaa

  1. i havent done trials in ages but i was watching a few vids and really wanna build up again, i use to ride 26 and think 20 is for kids and as im quite tall the only other thing is a 24

    so in the next few weeks im gunna look at either a fourplay or the 24uk frames if i can get one cheapish

    being out of this for a few years can someone name a few of the decent things to get like hubs, bars etc

    i use to have hope pro 2 trials hub, heatsink cloud9 bash and cranks, hope mini trials disc, dob magnesium forks and tryall fluro pink rear rim (which i still have :P)

    not sure if that stuff still goes so could be like a old man playing with a hand drill with the youngsters on lithium battery power drills if that makes sense

  2. well, iv tried for afew months at hoping i will get vaildated, but now i couldnt give a flying f**k

    its meant to be a site where people can talk about trials and stuff

    not where half the people on here are making pointless topics in hope of validation!

    its ridiculous!

    i dont depend on a site to ride, and i aint spendin all my time on the site hoping

  3. right basically, iv been on this site a few months and have kept to the rules

    but still nothing, i dont get what the whole fuss is about being verified to full member, every single person on here rides!

    maybe if the site is that into verifiying people they should do donation verification haha

    donate say 5quid and instantly verified, or wait to be verified

    that way site makes money to improve itself and people dont have to wait

    its the best of both, just like the bread!

  4. Remember that it is a good idea to use a lubricant with the steel wool to avoid damaging the lacquer finish. There are a few different brands that make a lubricant specifically for using steel wool. You can also apply paste wax after you are finished to give it a little bit more gloss.

    Good luck with it!

    iv heard soapy water works just aswell

    ill have a look for some paste wax when im out next, cheers for the help

  5. on this part what sort of steel wool for the sheen iv seen ultra fine steel wool but it says that it creates a matt/ satin effect, would this matter?

    right this part iv just re read a few times and it dosent make sense so ignore it, iv ordered some of the finest grade steel wool you can get so should turn out pretty well

    ill do a step by step picture thing of the lacquering and post along with this guide to make a decent tutorial, let me now if you think its a good idea?

    although i wont be painting the frame untill about the 7th so should be on lacquering on the 11th/12th of september haha

    so might not be for a good few weeks yet

  6. After the final coat has dried, you can use a fine steel wool to create a sheen, and to remove visible imperfections. Finally, wipe down frame with paint thinner or mineral spirits to remove oil and dust.

    on this part what sort of steel wool for the sheen iv seen ultra fine steel wool but it says that it creates a matt/ satin effect, would this matter?

    also i really think this deserves some kudos and maybe we could use this and some pictures of my frame being lacquered (if it turns out well),

    and put it in the wiki along with the painting, because i have seen quite alot of people with this problem

    thanks alot

  7. Well basically, iv just nitromorsed my frame

    and am going to be painting it black

    but last time i resprayed a frame it was great untill the lacquer went on

    the outcome was all sort of dusty is the only way to describe it

    are there any guides on how to lacquer properly as it doesnt seem to mention a whole lot about it on the painting guide

    thanks for your help


  8. Do you mean the evo mounts on a four bolt mount?

    I used evo mounts on a four bolt mount for a while becuase i could not afford to get some mounts (mum and dad are well tight)

    They do fit they take a while to set up though.

    I used a bolt through the top to pull the clamp together and one bolt to stop it moving outwards and it was fine.

    If its all you have for now it will be fine my only advice is dont tighten the top one up as tight aswel u would four bolt ones because on mine it pulled the threads out really easy so beware.

    do you have any pictures of this?

    yeh i am talking about the new evo 2 mounts, is this still possible?

    iv got some clamps coming but hate waiting about for this stuff

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