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Status Updates posted by trials-lover-josh

  1. monty koxx onza anything just a short mod

  2. Its a monty x-hydra ...looking for a new frame though thins ones too small

  3. sweet i got an old skool monty lol needs work though :(

  4. Lush Drop Gap in the mbuk mag mate never tought i would be talking to a pro :) w/b josh

  5. Hi,ive been looking at your hydrolics and im getting 70...well got it just got to go mums...but ive added you on msn talk to you when your on

  6. dodg u got vees or hs33

  7. That ite mate dont worry lol

    would sell mine just it aint built up yet lol

  8. Ite mate can you let me know what you got part wise beacuse im gettin roun £70 to get hydrollics n that

    Whellied your bike yet ??

  9. Alright tyler? this is josh one of Matt pengellys mate's? i do trials but cant ride at the moment bike needs alot of parts haha

    w/b josh

  10. ite m8 wen u gettin ur frame?

  11. alright im new 2 this. just gettin used 2 it .

    so ow long u bein riding

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