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Matty M

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Posts posted by Matty M

  1. Well... When I first read this topic a few days ago I thought it must just be a coincidence it happened to 3 people.

    However, tonight my friend noticed a big crack in my Ice at the exact same place! On the dropout where the stey meets it.

    Now, this one is not from sidehopping as it's not even the side I sidehop to and the chainstay on that side is almost immaculate.

    I will post pics in a thread and link it on this post in a few minutes.

    Well gutting hunter :( your bike is so nice aswel shame really. Could of guessed trialstar/pedo ross spotted it, only thing he is good for.

  2. :) Just think about it. A dual disced, FULL black Onza, with no brake sounds, now that would be STEALTH!!!

    Exactly but black and silver have been used untill overkill. Although the frame could be something special? perhaps taken out in a few different colours? although that would cost more money you don't see alot of variety in colours on just one frame in trials (apart from a few but still.) Onza could be appealing to alot more people instead of following the same trend of black and silver. Preparing to get slated now... haha.

  3. :blink: Some ones getting good :P:)

    great song and a beast video :P;)

    you are improving at some rate Mcinnes :P

    Nice One :lol:

    Getting good? mcinnes is easily one of the best in inverness stump ;)

    You really should of got the 49" siddle hop for the vid you sexy boy!

    Thought i'd comment twice for the afro :P

  4. Scott just kill urself now, ur one hoorna state

    not bad vid though, liked brodies riding but scott just stop it

    Ahahahahahahahahaha thermo!

    Good riding both of you but scott get rid of the black mumba.

  5. I don't reply too much on here but oh my sweet jesus!!! he is the meaning of progression he has merged two sports into one magnificent spectacle, Thank you Danny that was 5 minutes of my life that went to viewing the meaning of "motivation."

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