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Posts posted by BeasTboyz

  1. http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/1002_scroungers.shtml

    UNEMPLOYED scrounger Mohammed Salim is getting the state to pay for him, his wife and their ELEVEN kids—because he can't be bothered to go to work.

    He quit his £27,000 job teaching maths and science three years ago and is BETTER OFF claiming £29,096 a year in benefits.

    And he has much more time to devote to his Islamic political party— which ATTACKS the British government, even though this country gives his family their food, clothes and house for free.

    Mohammed is also busy planning his TWELFTH baby with wife Noreen, 35, but has no plans to get a job.



  2. No need, i just "wget" got it direct from the server. Took around 12seconds.  :P"

    But ive forgotten how to move the file, so give me a bit, and Matt, if your reading this and want me to take it off, just throw me a PM and ill take it off.

    EDIT: Found the move command  :P

    Right Click - Save Target as...

    no worries. I'm working to resolve the issues of some people not being able to reach my server. I find it very odd, especially considering we're in the same datacenter... we're behind different routers, but I doubt thats the problem. Unfortunately, no one seems willing to send me ANY information about the problem they're having, so they're just screwing themselves in the end :\.

    If you guys want this problem fixed a bit, you've got to work with me on it, please!

    PM me: username on otn, IP address, MSN or AIM name, and what browser you use.

  3. Last comp I went to, three weeks ago.

    Matt Robinson - Koxx

    Kevin Shiramizu - desalvo 1080wb prototype (now on a Coustellier)

    Mike Snyder - Echo Pure (99% sure on this)

    Josh Stevenson - Monty mod

    Mike Clark - Koxx mod

    Graham Wilhelm - Koxx

    Andy M - Koxx

    Seth Lee - Koxx XTP

    Patrick McNally - desalvo (now has a coustellier)

    Ty Fenton - Echo Pure

    Matt Lovewell - Koxx

    Ken Cleavland - old echo (now has a coustellier frame)

    Taylor - Koxx

    Elan - Koxx

    The comp was held with UCI rules.

    Thats three people who weren't on long wheelbase bikes, the old echo, the old desalvo, and the monty mod. In that bunch there is now only one without a long wheelbase bike, the other two have coustelliers. There are 6 riders in Colorado now with cous frames.

    I'm not saying you can't ride bmx type crap on a koxx, but if thats what we did, we wouldn't all be buying them. We'd still be riding english frames, like the pace, zebdi, curtis, orange, pashley, leeson, etc.

    I'm not saying we're more serious or more UCI about trials than the English, all I'm saying is that you shouldn't talk shit if its clear you don't have an understanding of American trials.


  4. Holy f**k, must of you guys are idiots and think the only american rider is Jeff Lenosky. I don't know a single person that runs front suspension on their trials bike, and from the videos I see here it seems you guys are the ones throwing street in your vids on trials bikes, not us. Jeremy is an incredible rider, wait til you see results from worlds this year. Not only that, but the coustellier's picked him up this year... that implies they think highly of him and his riding. I don't imagine its easy to impress the best riders in the world.


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