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Posts posted by -Charlie-

  1. That was actually better than i thought it was going to be. Really reminded me of when i first started riding too. How nice it was, back in the days where nobody would be doing anything and massive rides could be arranged within half an hour or so on a saturday/sunday morning, then a peaceful pallet session while all the factories are closed for the weekend. Good times.

    Thanks man. A vid of today is coming too :)

    I went to EBTC today :D

    This new vid has me in too. I bet your excited :lol:

    Its importing at the moment... Its real time! Be patient!

    I dont get why Tom 'Fugley' has made a post in first class. My one is much better.


  2. That's exactly what people who don't know what they're talking about always say :). Well done, you are amongst them.

    Have a go on one. Try riding it in a straight line comepetently. Ok... now try hopping it... harder than you thought wasn't it? Now, pull the seat out in front of you and start hopping... bet you can't keep 3 hops going without losing complete control. Try jumping 2 pallets.. harder than you thought eh...

    Yeah you might think that it's just parkour with one wheel under you.. and some idiots even say 'you might as well use a pogo stick'. There is more to a unicycle than just trials. On one trials unicycle, you can do street (ala skate/bmx style... yep GRINDS, crankflip variations, spins, tech), flatland, mountain, freestyle. On a trials bike, you can only really only do trials...

    So don't be so quick to assume. Try it and once you get good, then you can criticise it without looking like a complete mung-head.

    The funny thing is you seem to think it looks so stupid and easy. What'll happen is on a big London ride, you'll be outdone by a person on a unicycle, and you're on a fully kitted out bike... then you try and have a go on the unicycle and find you can't even ride or hop it without shitting your pants.

    Unicycle trials is still trials, and yes it was grown from biketrials, much like how biketrials grew from mototrials. We're all riding trials, hopping on a fat tyre. Respect eachother. Benito and Vincent respect it and enjoy watching it, and they're two of the best in this sport. There is a reason why they respect it.

    Okay.. I just dont like it...

  3. that was good charlie, whats the song?

    Says underneath the video.

    Hot Chip - Ready for the Floor

    I was singing it all day.

    That is the worst song I have ever heard.

    I refuse to watch the rest of the video until you replace it with a better song.

    Your loss.

    I think the first time you listen to that song its weird but then all day it will be in your head and it will force you to download it. Then you will fall in love.

  4. In what way is that any different to riding a bike with no seat and loud brakes though?

    More people seem to understand what a unicycle is, as they look pretty much the same, trials bikes, in general, don't look much like anything normal.

    LMAO. How many unicycles do you see around town. ESPECIALLY hopping about on stuff! :lol:

  5. meh, not directly, but bear in mind all equal oppurtunities. and that, funding to ethnic minorites should be preportionate to their size in the community. for example, if 15% of essex youths are of asian background. and 15% of council funding doesnt go towards them, then they are technically being discriminated against.

    Good point.

  6. thankyou mate

    Happy to help. :)

    I had a look on supercycles. They dont have any. Try asking around.. When validated! :D

    Or i'd use some insulation tape.

    First put it on with the sticky side pointing up. (away from the rim)

    Go all the way round and stick it together again so it goes al the way around the rim. [if its a rear you may want to go round twice in two different places making it wider]

    then go over the top of the sticky side with more tape sticky side down.

    I cant stand peoples dirty & sticky holes :lol:

    Found this stuff.

    I have no idea on size's e.t.c


  7. Yeahh that was well good video.

    Ride was awsommme.

    see you tomorow.

    And cheers for the vid.

    Ps: Those sidehop from matt are F**king HUGE.

    Cheers man. It was just a quick edit. Nothing flashy :D

    Yeah. I thought this ride was wicked. Yeah man. Im looking forward to tomorrow. I'm bringing my cam along with a camera man too. Get a load of footage!

    Back wheeling comp tomorrow??

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