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Hannah Shucksmith

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Posts posted by Hannah Shucksmith

  1. Ooh that's me, I'm a lurker! Mainly anon and mainly videos / chit-chat.

    Never post b/c married & baby etc etc etc.

    *changed rarely post to never post*

  2. Doctor's legally can't tell your family or friends or next of kin etc, and it's the only way you can really get any help; they are always first port of call, and often advise to to take prescribed anti depressants etc to lessen the intensity of your thoughts. There are different avenues that your doctor should go down in order to get you 'help' - usually just a referral to a Community Mental Health Team. If you tell a doctor that you have a plan (i.e. a time and date and place) to take your own life then they should contact a Crisis team who will come out to you immediately or at least within 24hrs.

    There are ways to get through and past self harm. I always found distraction helped me, and being with other people. Also, planning my day to be as full as possible so there was no available opportunity in which to self harm.

    The reason for self harm is different for everyone - punishment, emotional release, the list is huge. The point is that you need to discover why you want to / do self harm in order to over come it.

    With self harm comes immediate 'satisfaction' but years down the line you'll regret the end result.

    Talk to someone. x

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  3. I'll rate mine in 2 parts :P

    Beginning until July was absolute hell. July onwards has been incredible, about an 8/10. I've dropped nearly 5st, moved to a stable home, got a job, overcome a lot of issues... Sorted my life out :)

  4. Hannah, your roadie looks good- women do seem to have a shorter top tube though, but you could get a short stem and add some stackers to make a higher front end. Looks like you've already done the stem bit. :D

    Yeah, just ended up getting a shorter stem and now it's all good. Can't ride at the moment which is a shame so it's in pieces under the stairs. Not good.

  5. Ok so im wanting to cook something mexicanny for tea.

    I've got like 500g of mince meat, and willing to go to the shops for ingrediants.

    Something like tacos, or burittos.

    Does anyone have any good recipes they can point me to that they've tried before? Love trying new stuff so anything is good.


    I've used this recipe a few times. Is good.

  6. I was using 3Mobile about 2 years ago when I lived out in the countryside and switched over to O2 within a month. I very often had no signal and when I did it was only ever when my phone was in the pantry or I was stood at the very back of the garden. I always managed to pick up an ok-ish signal when at the far end of the field next door...

  7. i thought it was u can smoke at 16, but only buy at 18? or some bullshit rules like that?

    Indeed. I had a friend in a petrol station with me. I bought her fags with ID. Guy asked her if she had ID which she showed and says she's 16. He asked me if I was buying her cigarettes. I said yep, nothing said.

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