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Posts posted by Ryan-Trials

  1. If your going to start trials. In my opinion Onza T-pro's are amazing starter bikes and you can get them off ebay for about £150 so then if you dont like the sport you havent wasted alot of money. If you find that you like trials you can sell your bike and move on to another bike.

    Starter bikes:

    20" Mod - Onza T-Pro, Cheap deng bike.

    24" - Onza Zoot, Cheap leeson

    26" Stock - Echo pure, Onza T-Rex, Koxx Acidrop etc

    Just my opinions


  2. It all depends on what you ride, street tgs, natrual or comps. Monty Kamels are competition bikes and can be cracked if rode street hardly. If your a smooth rider you could probably get away without cracking it for a while, but if your a Tgs basher it will last 5 minutes.

    Echo, Zoo, Czar, Adamant and Gu are all made by the same company 'Deng' and mostly all these frames can take a good bashing and afew dents before they crack. If your a new rider and not very smooth i suggest you get a Deng frame as it will last alot longer than the Monty. Also it all down to what geo you personally like so just try a few frames out and see which one you like best. (Y)


  3. whts people reveiws on the echo sl forks as some people have said there just for compations use only would they be ok for a bit of street to as i have them on my bike cheers people

    Mate, seriosly you need to sort out your spelling, it sucks!!

    And well a few people have snapped them and wouldnt reccomend them for tgs street riding.

  4. Or easier way to get validated.... send me £5 in the post :shifty::-

    Jokes :giggle: , just make constructive posts and help out on the forum and just learn as much as you can, spelling and grammer are essential.

    Follow those rules and you will be validated in no time.

  5. yeah i know i got some alluminium filler yesterday and filled most of them in

    i need most help on prep

    Well first get some 'wet and dry' paper and rub the whole frame down to raw metal. Then get a primer spray and do afew coats of that then spray it which ever colour you desire :).

  6. Only difference I remember is you had red hose, black maggy clamps...not much difference really. But still it's a very nice mod mate.

    EDIT: plus a grind

    Used to have have red maggie hose, red disk hose, red rim tape loads of stackers under the stem, zhi b2 bosster

  7. But whenever I do, say somthing like: "Ohh if you use capitol letters full stops. Etc you will get validated in no time." Then I get slated by afew tits (not mentioning any names) jardo Saying ohh well why arent you validated etc. Then I get wound up and start acting like a fanny.

    No offence mate, but every topic you've posted in, you've been a complete cocky fag and just try to be the funny man but then it always turns on you and then you think why does everybody hate you?, but just chill out and actully put constructive posts into the forum and act nice, that will get you validated for sure (Y)

    You could just have a massive go at me and slate me but f**k your chances of validated up even more :)

    And czar's look better than the Gu and my rides great but i havent been on a Gu so i can't compare them.

    Best thing is to go out and ride both and see which one you like best.

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