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Posts posted by tarmacterrorist

  1. i think that what he is trying to say is that you cannot laquar them becuase the surface is too shiny so it does not stick.

    well thats what i read it as anyway, dont knw if im right though

    spot on matey... can't laquor em cos laquor needs something to stick too, polished ally is a no-no

    the laquor will just peel off... just polish em now an again init


  2. i've always loved Graffiti, since i was a lil boy, but i've never really been any good at it :(

    trouble is, i need a piece of graffiti designed for a tattoo on the back of my neck...

    does anyone know of a good artist or even a website with a graffiti generator on it???


  3. That's called polished.

    Not chrome.

    Edit: did you laquor them ?

    as you so rightly pointed out, they are indeed polished and not chromed,

    but knowing that you should have also known u can't laquor polished ally...

    if you "key" the ally for the laquor to stick, it aint polished ally no-more,

    no need to laquor em, just give a lil polish now and again init ;)


  4. i wouldn't do it mate.

    keep the chucker you will regret swapping it for a diamond back.

    i would recomend riding a few more peopls bikes and then have a look around the classifieds sections on here and email any one who is looking to swap a bike.

    you don't want to rush and swap it for the first bike that comes along because you could probably get a better deal mate.

    or see if your mate would be willing to sell it, that way if you decide you dont like it as much as you first thought you still have you chucker there.

    well to be honest 'mr malcom' i'm a sucker for a good piece of advice, and that sounds like a good piece of advice to me ;)

    i had another ride on it today and to be honest its not that light, the brakes need attention and it is really scruffy u'know?

    looks like its been the first trials bike for like 20 different people lol...

    i don't think the chucker will be going anywhere just yet :) but i soooo need a trials bike :)

    i spend my days trawling through web pages looking for videos of different tricks :)

    if anyone got a link or 2 for some cool vids please feel free to reply or pm me ok? ;)


    and ur right NicP the wheel are meant for a dirtbike or flatland bmx maybe???

    but yes MUCHO heavy ;)


  5. ok this is the situation... i've been looking for a decent trials bike for ages now, i don't much about trials bikes really, but i've got total respect

    for you guys... what you do is fkn awesome and i wanna try for myself :)

    a friend of mine has just got his hands on a Diamondback T2 mod, halo rims, magura's, onza forks, truvativ hussfelt crank, oddesy pedals...

    and he HATES it... i had a little go and fell in love with it:) so he asked me if i want to swap my bike for his bike...

    this is my problem... i don't know what the Diamondback is worth or how old it is or even if its a pile of crap???

    i currently ride a heavily modified GT Chucker


    its got hope C2 brakes and new grips added since the photo too:)

    all i need to know is... is the Diamondback T2 any good??? should i go for it?

    any advice greatly appreciated :)


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