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Posts posted by t-pro-03

  1. Most people just put a small amount on,

    Spin your rim and hold the tar against it until it's applied all around it.

    If tar doesn't last long, i don't think coke will either.

    Give it a go, no harm done!


    thanks alot for the advice thanks

    thanks ben

  2. Don't worry about it.

    In the long run, it would be easier to get your hands on some tar.

    It does the same thing as coke, but stays on your rim longer and you don't have to look like a pratt pouring drink on your bike.


    i have got loads of tar but it comes off quick on my rims . how much tar should i put on to make it last longer ?

  3. Well try Maxxis High Rollers, they've never done me wrong but after a lot of modding they no longer look good on my bike. I have now moved to the TryAll Stickys, the white ones, great, kinda soft sidewall but should do fine if you keep your pressures up! They also look the part too

    tyres maxxis creepy crawleys

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