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Bol Maaaaaaing

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Posts posted by Bol Maaaaaaing

  1. I see where you're coming from, but again, how you draw the line or even begin to enforce such a thing, even with a slap on the arse, how do you charge someone for that?

    Yes, speeding we do push our limits...but when parents push the 'limits' with kids they can end up killing them. Limits exisit and limits get pushed, pushed so much that it becomes the norm, and then it gets pushed more and more from there.

    Its a judgement call for the parents as Jon said. Any good parent will know how to bring a kid up but any parent smacking their kids 'within the limits of the law' shouldn't be a parent at all.

    Edit: Worded the last bit badly, what I'm saying is there shouldn't be a law to tell parents when enough is enough, that should be a natural decision.

    In a world where people think that killing a baby (abortion) is ok, that may not work as well as you plan

    Smacking doesn't work if you ask me, my Mum used to smack me for every tiny little thing, and up until I was about 14...

    All smacking does is remove any respect that the child ever had for the parent, it's bollocks.

    I do believe that it should be there as a last resort, when you're smacked as much as I was then you realise, actually it doesn't hurt and it's worth it for anything you want to do. It should be something only dished out by the father (not being sexist, just believe it work better coming from an "overlord" type figure"), and only when something really bad has happened.

    As it happened it f**ked up my childhood because I was incredibly angry and depressed all the time until I was about 15 and then I just hated her and hardly spoke to her. My Dad never smacked me, he just spoke to me like a human being and made me see that what I'd done was wrong, and 9 times out of 10 I apologised to my Mum without being asked.

    If it is done incorrectly then it would lose the respect of the kid.

    Being smacked for everything wont work at all, but for the important things it would work good and it has to be not overly hard, but if you need to show them that you are angry at them and that they have done wrong.

  2. That's bull, there's a good number of kids out there who were never smacked when they were a kid, and they know if they do wrong they get punished and the difference between right and wrong.

    Usually people who smack kids do it because they don't know how to discipline a child correctly, hitting and yelling 'don't do that' is something that would work with dogs, but kids need to be taught why they can't do that. If a kid runs out into the road, and the parent smacks the kid, what's the kid learnt? Don't do that again. Where as if a kid runs out in the middle of the street and gets shouted at initially, then the parents explain why you can't do that. Which'll have more effect?

    Well what would make you learn quicker about not doing something?

    Getting an earful, or getting a whack? Im not saying that not smacking is silly, but I do however think that it is more effective.

    E.g. If you get smart to someone and they 1) Yell at you to stop or 2) Hit you in the face. What is more likely to make you not do it again?

    From what I've heard, NZ is really bad for domestic violence so anything that gives the police power to protect kids at risk should be a good thing, provided it's used sensibly. But overall, smacking kids as a last resort when they've been properly bad should not be illegal. Gotta teach the little shits somehow...

    Yeah, there is quite a bit of domestic violence here, and like I said, dont come here XD

    I think that you should deal to the problem first time and get it sorted rather than wait till the last resort to do something about it. You would have saved a fair bit of time in doing so.

  3. Your only 16, which as far as i know means you cant drive. It is difficult, ask anyone, I dont think anyone out there has never sped in their car.

    And no, because going 5mph, you normally still get raped by cameras etc. cops themselves may let you off, but they wont if your doing say 10mph over, its not slowly increasing, its getting worse and worse. I dont disagree with speed limits, in built up areas etc, but some limits are rediculous, and in certain areas IMO it is acceptable to break the speed limit, providing you stay at a speed where you are comfortable and dont push it too much.

    Use speed where safe etc.

    In NZ the driving age is 15.

    Yeah in certain places it can be safe, but its still against the law and is put there for safety of others.

  4. As previously said, where do you draw the line with a 'slap on the arse' and abuse?

    I got plenty of slaps when I was little - which I deserved and I certainly didn't do it again, and if I did, I made sure I never got caught.

    I think thats whats missing in society now, parents actually giving a shit about their kids and knowing that they know when they've done wrong.

    Thanks to Soft Mums Petitions we have to picture children as little angels who never do anything wrong, but you can't hit them because then you're a terrible mother and deserve to die.

    This means that lots of kids grow up knowing that the worst punishment they're going to get was a shouting at. When I was little I was scared of my parents, not in the respect of I was terrified of them, but I knew that if I got caught doing something I shouldn't be, then my God I'd know about it.

    As said, I was slapped - I turned out fine...I think?

    Damn straight!

    Its also partly the Green Party tying to control the way we live and do things. Its as though they want to make NZ a Communist country.

    They were trying to make it compulsory to have a certain sized shower head so you dont waste water!

  5. Which is why people constantly do 90+ on the motorways when the limit is 70...

    It's not all bad.

    And what happens when the limit is raised to 90 and people start doing 110? and then the limit is raised to 110 and people do 130 etc?

    It will gradually get worse and worse.

  6. It is rubbish. There's a big difference between smacking and child abuse. If you see a small child licking a plug socket you give them a smack rather than trying to explain rationally that plug socket = bzzzap as they won't understand. From then on they'll associate said plug socket with negative stimuli and be more wary of it. I think as children get older and more understanding it becomes a little less acceptable, however where do you draw the line when infants mature and advance their communicative skills at different rates?

    The same debate was bouncing around the headlines a few years ago in Britain and it was decided that it was acceptable as long as it didn't leave any visible damage. This is currently under scrutiny again I think.

    Haha, thats good.

    There was some people in NZ last year who abused a 2 year old and it ended up dying. Burning its feet and then putting it in cold water so it will never heal properly, using it as a wrestling toy, putting it in a tumble drier and hanging it on the clothes line (This is what they did) is a lot worse than hitting it on the bum because it threw a tantrum. The NZ government is crap, dont ever come here.

    Smacking children does work, but i feel there's better ways to punish a child without physically harming them. I'm not sure where i stand on it being illegal though.

    If you dont do it (in my opinion) the kid will grow up without a fear of being punished for doing something wrong, and they will grow up without respect and without knowing what is right or wrong, Which is one of the problems in NZ/the world.

    Well it's like everything.

    Speeding, should be, and is illegal, but is 5mph over the limit really gonna give you jip?

    If they allow 5mph of the limit to be OK, then after a while people will say 'another 5mph cant be bad' and it will gradually get worse and worse until it gets real out of hand and become a big problem.

    I dont see whats so hard about keeping the speed limit personally.

  7. xSTRAIGHTEDGEx officially makes it a joke, for you anyway.

    Jon is reppin' it all day every day, don't get it twisted yo. Genuine following, but writing it like that is just retarded.

    I struggle to see how its retarded.

    The X's represent how it originated.

    Just becuase Im not screaming it out like Jon may doesnt mean im not edge, I find it to be vain to go around making myself look big, I tell people I am, I just dont make a scene about it.

    To Jon, you say that you dont like Hate Edge, but what you say to me is hate, your singleing me out because I am under age and there for must be just a kid, I see this as being Hate Edge, and you trying to only allow who you want to be straight edge and not all that are.

  8. To JonMack.

    I write it xSTRAIGHTEDGEx because I like to do it that way, thats why.

    You say that the odds are I will stop being straight edge once I turn 18 and can legaly drink, but you dont know me, you dont know that I will.

    I dont drink becuase I dont like it, I dont like the taste, I dont like what it does to people thats why. Both my parents had alchoholic fathers and have told me stories about what they were like, about their abuse and violence.

    Ive been to booze ups and drink soft drinks not booze, Ive seen people passed out and peoples vomit all over the place, and it sickens me, it makes me glad that I dont drink.

    Dont tell me I will "Break edge".

    Ive had chances to smoke weed becasue my mate does, and I choose not to, Ive told him that its stupid and that I dont want him to mention it to me and about it, I said this to one of my best mates!

    At his birthday I told him to go out side to smoke a joint, I told him I dont want to smell that crap, I hate weed and all illegal drugs.

    People that drink and do drugs tell me that its good that I am straight edge and I get respect, it makes me feel good to have respect.

    Im the only straight edge in my family, the most I have ever drunk at one time was 3 beers at Christmas. I became straight edge at March this year after the schools Head Boy and Head Girl party where I saw people that couldnt do anything themselves and had their other drunk mates helping them do everything.

    You say I might stop being straight edge when I become a legal drinker, you say the temptation will get the better of me?

    I say to you it wont, I am a Christian, I am faced with temptations every single day, most of my mates swear like troopers, but do I? NO.

    My mates break the law, do I? NO.

    My mates take the Lords name in vain, Do I? NO.

    Dont tell me that I will give up on straight edge, I wont, I will be straight edge untill the end. I may not have a tatoo on my body like you, I may not put X's on my hands and cross my arms, but I am straight edge, I live the life of a Christian straight edge teenager.

    Dont tell me what will happen to me, You dont know me.

    Thank you.

  9. I'm trying to decide between the 2, is there anyone who has ridden both and would like to share their experiences? Any opinions or pros & cons greatly appreciated.

    Here's some relevant facts about me:

    I'm currently ridding a Specialized Enduro SL, which is a full suspension all mountain bike. Obviously nothing to do with trials, yet I keep trying the moves on it and have a nice time despite the torture I endure in the process... which is why I finally decided to get a proper trials bike.

    I'm under the impression that those 2 bikes are geometrically different, and for different type of ridding? Some more clarifications about this would help me a lot.

    - I personally enjoy trials moves, mostly on urban features.

    - I'd like a bike that would help me stay on that back wheel, allow me to clear large gaps, and climb high

    - there's a BMX park really close, and I would like to be able to get the bike in there and improvise..

    - but I wouldn't like this particular convenience to compromise substantially the trials capabilities of the bike

    Why I propose the 4play? because I get the impression by looking at it that it's more versatile (I don't know if that is actually true..). But is it suitable for proper trials?? If most people here think that versatility is just something that I'll have to forget in favor of performance, I'm prepared to comply. I was also reading somewhere else that people really like the mods at first, but then after they progress some, they want to swap them for a stock? (because, according to that article, not being able to cycle even small distances to the park next door eventually gets you.. i.e., they are very inconvenient)

    Why I propose the Czar? There is one for sale in good condition and price close to where I live.

    Any help greatly appreciated.



    I'm 5'7

    By what you have listed what you want.

    I would say you should get a Inspired 4play.

    I have a 2007/8? Czar and you would have to be insanely good to do BMX on it, the geometry is way to off because it is a trials bike. The 4play is specificly designed for street riding and trials.

    The 4play will lack a tiny bit in the trials area because it is street and trials, it is way better than a Czar if you want to go to a skate park.

    I have to ride 700-900 meters to get to places to ride in my town, and yes it does get a bit annoying but if you have higher gearing on either to two you wont be as good at doing trials. Some people do go to stock due to personal preference, for taller people stocks are a bit better because they are longer. People start on mods because they are smaller, lighter, you can flick them around more and are easier to learn on, and tend to be stronger (I think). A 4play is also strong but may not be as easy to learn on (Ive never ridden one so I might be wrong).

    Czar Pros: Proper geometry for trials, easier to learn on, Cheaper, and they look good.

    Czar Cons: Not good for BMX or street riding, traveling long distances is hard, it is a one purpose only bike.

    4play Pros: Danny M has one!, multi purpose bike, can be used as a trials bike and a BMX/street bike, look good.

    4play Cons: Really expensive, not as good to learn on, heavier, being a new rider you will be more likely to buckle the rims easier.

    This is all I know at the moment and I hope that it will be usefull to you. Mainly, do what you think is better.

    But ask around and find out what others think.

    P.s. There are cheaper 24" bikes out there than a 4play, Marino makes custom bikes cheaply and you can get a 4play geometry if you want and from what I have heard he is a good man to deal with.

  10. I just wondered are bmx helmets okay for trials? because I did bmxing before i did trials and i have a bmx helmet so are they ok for trials ?

    Bmx style helmets are fine for trials, a lot of people use them.

    Infact, the bmx style helmets are arguably safer than the xc/mountain bike style because they cover more of your head, especially at the back.

    Theyre good.

    But they dont have much ventalation in them and make my head over heat.

  11. Hey guys, i've proberbly watched about 1000 trials videos at least in my time now :D

    And i keep coming across more and more people who aren't wearing helmets when they trials.

    This is acceptable at a low standard like me, but i see, the best of the best doing it.. :o

    It's barbaric!

    I was just wondering your thoughts and if you ride with/without a helmet and how good you are :))

    Thanks guys :)



    When I had a crash (not trials) I was wearing a helmet. If I wasnt I would be dead or a vegetable.

    I was out cold for 10 mins and got a concusion.

    I wear a helmet.

    Now that I think about it, a few times that I have just got my bike out for a few mins and fallen backwards helmet less. Makes me think "What would happen if I hit my head?".

    Just think for a bit of money you have great head protection and if you wernt wearing one in a crash and get brain damage, think of the suffering for you, your family and your mates.

    Its like not wearing a seatbelt in a car really.

  12. Can someone tell me were i can get a new pad my pads falling to bits thanks. Lewis

    yeah mine are too

    ive looked on chain reaction where they used to sell them but they dont anymore :(

    some one help pleaseee :)

    A bike shop?

  13. Ive just started learning gaps to front and when I do it, I lock the brake on and when the rear wheel is high enough I let it out and roll on to the thingy (mainly because I cant wheelswap).

    You need to get your weight over the front of the bike, especially if you need to have the brake locked; otherwise youre likely to skid. I think my main problem with gaps to front is committing all of my weight forward, ie: it scares me

    Tell me about it.

    I didnt jump far enough one day and went over the bars and body slamed the pallet! :D

  14. Found a set of keys in the middle of a MTB track with my mate.

    It was a eletronic lock so we tracked down the car and waited to some one walked over to it (because we are good people).

    We couldnt find them so took the keys to the cops.

    We could of nicked of with the car and probly found out their address and stolen a whole heap of stuff if we wanted to!

  15. Has anyone got it ive brought something off him and now hes ignoring all my messages i need to know whats going on?



    I know that Im no help.

    But this seems to be happening a lot on here nowadays?

    Making sure that you have house address, phone number, email etc would probly make it safer!

  16. Yeah but its nothink new!

    Theres a whold bunch or colours they can use after all they do sell more than just white.

    Not having a go at all as it dose look really nice, however for someone to want to build one up

    If you did a other colour (NOT BLACK) you could poss show them more as if you wanted to look at what

    blue and white would look like weve all ready seen that one both the inspired and the rockman.

    Im not going on looks Im just saying for someone who would like to build this frame all they have to go by is a this really,

    im not having a dig at all by this but before you know it,




    etc all have white builds

    will go outa fashion faster than it came in if you dont stop putting it on every bike :P

    Thats got some truth in it, but still...

    I could see that mod being my next bike!

  17. I need a new rotor for front end. I am using an old hope mini/mono the caliper has a 3 stamped on it if this helps the rotor I have at the minute is 185mm I think. Will a 183mm rotor work with this. Thanks

    I wouldnt have a clue mate.

    But I use a 6" rotar and it works heaps good.

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