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Posts posted by JasonAuld

  1. As long as you dont 1. land on folk 2. smash womans faces 3. dont take your top off 4. dont throw your bandana 5. dont shout things down the mic and ermm im sure theres a few other things oh yea 6. flex your muscles infront of old woman and children then ill let you operate on this forum.

    Welcome to the rest of your life on here....I say get out while the posts are fresh, but if your hooked already i just hope you can enjoy it.

    There are a lot of knobs and a lot of broomsticks on here. mind you there a lot of really helpfull genuine people too. (Y)

    You riding Glasgow?

    Will you be the first 1 wheeled scottish mucker?? :o:o:o:P

    Haha, Ross I'll make the jokes round here, stick to what you do best, making everyone else look good.

    Let's clear somethings up, before you start 1. I didn't land on anyone 2. yes I hit a woman in the face,but I'm over it now, you should be too! 3. jealousy is making you bitter and twisted Ross, or maybe that's just you, I'm sure there are girls/guys out there who have a thing for Captain Caveman look alikes, if I find one I'll let you know. 4. EHX/ Transgression Park are the same company so seems dumb to put both of them in your sig line, guess it needs padding out.

    Anyway, now we've got the formalities out of the way, thanks for welcoming me!

    Unfortunately, I'm not riding Glasgow. In the last show I broke my seat gapping from the 6 footer to the small box and I've still not received a new set up. Pretty gutted as I was looking forward to it but I'm sure we can meet up some time and ride in Edinburgh or Glasgow, you've got my number Ross, call me ;)

  2. Thanks guys, good to hear that you're all open minded about it.

    i loveUnicycling but i can never get the hang of it =] i can go along a bit but then i just fly off any tips????

    thanks And Welcome to the forums =]

    Will x

    It's just practise man, take like an hour a day and you should have it within a week or two. Then you can take your trials experience and transfer it over.

    It's interesting to find that a few of you have atleast tried unicycling or are aware of unicycle trials, unlike BMXers.

    Is it still seen as a novelty or do the trials community welcome it as a new discipline?


  3. It might just be me but a hell of alot of people give me crap for having a bike with no seat. I go for a ride in my town and people look at it funny but dont say any thing, then i go past a group of chavs or BMX riders and they start saying "were did your seat go" or "get a BMX" erm no idrather ride a good bike. I went into my local bike shop yesterday and asked if they could fix my chain tenchinor they couldnt because it was broke and i was running a cassette, i said "ok cool" just as i was leaving one of the workers said "get a real bike" me and a friend were just like what is a real bike he says well one with a seat,gears full suspention and point to a orange 223. I argue back saying well im a trials rider and i like the sport better he says "how can u like hopping on your back wheel, wouldnt you rather go down hills real fast" i siad "been there done that, plus any one can go down a drop what about up a wall" he says "well just bunny hop up a wall" i said "its not the same feeling" the every one from the bike shop gets involved talking about how on there BMX bikes and dirt jumpers they can do this that and the other......... But why is it trials riders that get crap why not xc riders or dirt jumpers.

    You think you've got it bad, I'm a Street Unicyclist, that's a nightmare! You get plenty people thinking they are the big man by shouting "where's your other wheel" or "can't you afford a bike".

    From my experience, people need to insult you to validate themselves. They can't do what you do, so they target you and try to undermine you in an effort to make themselves feel better about it.

    If you can take everyone's crap about your riding and you keep riding, then you know it's what you are meant for. If it effects you negatively, then maybe it's not for you.


  4. Hey guys,

    I'm a street unicyclist from Edinburgh, Scotland and I'm the new boy.

    I know there is a few unicyclists on here, if so, make yourself known.

    I also know that some of you trials boys have no interest in unicycling or have no respect for it. I'm not looking for a slagging match or for some big men to make a name for themselves, so only post here if you ride or if you're interested.



  5. Hey guys,

    Jason, street unicyclist here from Edinburgh. Been involved with Transgression Show/ EHX display team for the past year and a half and that's where most of my trials knowledge comes from. Ridden along side Duncan Shaw, Danny Macaskill and Ben Travis.

    Contrary to what may be written on here, I haven't landed on people whilst jumping over them, I did drop my seat on a woman's nose but I'm over that now.

    I know a lot of you guys aren't interested in unicycling and consider it to be pathetic in comparison to biking. I also know a few of you will have seen Joe Hodges riding. Even if you don't like it, you have to atleast respect it, he can jump higher, further and ride with more style than a lot of bike riders I know.

    I don't ride trials especially but I'm looking to get more into it. I ride street which is similar to skate, bmx and blading street.


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