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Posts posted by ScotchDave

  1. I disagree. we should lock up anyone born illegitimately, black, jewish, muslim or catholic. It'd solve all our problems overnight. seriously, i really mean it

    I REALLY hope you're taking the piss...

    Anyway, Tomm an example of something like this is that certain brain defects can cause very high levels of anger and aggression, but some people control it, some don't. The ones who control it don't go to jail, the ones who don't do.

    Differences in peoples genes *may* affect their mental tendencies, but ultimately it's whether you control yourself or not that matters...

  2. I find they come out best if you make them in bulk. When I make them I just use about a tin of golden syrup, about 500-1000 grams of rice crispies, and as much chocolate as necessary, you can tell if the mix is right from the texture, if it's sticky, but no solidifying then it's ready to go in the baking tray.

    P.S. The oldest acitve threads in Chit Chat are, in order: The Random Small Questions (Sep 23, 2004), The Angry Thread (Feb 8 2005), The How Do You...., make rice crispy cakes (Feb 25 2005), The Post Pictures of Your Car (Nov 2 2005 0018 hours) and The Post a Pic of Your Missus (Nov 2 2005, 0140 hours).

    So this is the third oldest thread, and I can't believe I just checked all those. :S

  3. Well, I must say that Aran builds excellent frames, despite the fact that mine refused to stop cracking in the same place. Aran fixed it twice, then gave me a full refund. Can't ask for better than that.

  4. Hmm, it's weird, I know Glasgow isn't safe, the amount of fights is ridiculous, the knife culture is HUGE and the supply of guns is increasing too. BUT I still feel perfectly OK to walk home from a night out, even on my own. I think it's really what you're used to rather than how actually dangerous the place is...

  5. I like watches, for their functional beauty more than their place as the trappings of wealth. I wore a plain simple Smiths pocket watch (no jewels, 30 hour movement and glow in the dark hands and dial) for ages because it fitted my top jeans pocket perfectly :P That and its a damn sight nicer to read a nice big dial than squint at the digital screen on my phone.

    I wear, on the very odd occasions that I need to look smart, a Rolex Oysterdate that my uncle gave my father in the early sixties. Its NOT showy, infact its very understated and few people recognise it as a Rolex, keeps time well and is an absolute beauty to clean and work on. The clockwork is superb, almost fully jeweled but its very sensitive to oil so works best in summer haha. Got a nice scratch across the glass circa 1965 from when dad came off his Thunderbird :(

    I downright refuse to wear anything quartz, they're just too good at telling the time and there's no warmth or soul from them.

    When you say clean and work on, you mean you take it apart?

  6. Go for a ride :P .

    If it's with a girl go see a film if it's wet, then invite her home to dry off afterwards. B) If it's dry then go to a park, get pissed or something.

    Hope this helps.

  7. iron brew and a fried breakfast. Best hangover cure i found in 4 years of being a student, and believe me i tried a few!

    Irn Bru is the best, especially if it's flat. If that fails I normally have a wee nip of the dog that bit me.

  8. Well, my best tip is don't buy biscuits or anything snacky, if it's around you WILL eat it. My normal day is: breakfast=banana or other fruit, lunch=sandwich or cold pizza slice and tea=cous cous with fish, or some sort of meat type thing.

    I'm losing weight right now as far as I can tell, while getting f**k all exercise...


  9. Bar 6 months on maggies, since I started riding almost 6 years ago I've used vee's. A well set up vee is amazing, bug make sure you spend a fair bit of time setting up the pads flat.

    My recommended trick to get a decent ser up is: wind out the barrel adjuster halfway, loosen off the pad bolts, pull the arms together by hand and tighten up the cable pinch bolt. Then wind out the barrel adjuster some more, check the pads are sitting square then wrench up the pad bolts. If you find the pads moving as you tighten up the bolts just pull the lever, the extra pressure should help.


  10. For future reference if you swallow methanol or anything you fear may damage your liver all you have to do is drink several units of alcohol, the liver will ignore the poison and process the ethanol instead, the rest will just be passed in urine. Though you should check with a doctor in all cases because certain chemicals won't react this way...

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