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Posts posted by middleageman

  1. I've had a mess about using the flat and the balls..... and at the moment the flats are winning, i seem to be able to shift my weight around more which is helping move the bike around. Perhaps when I'm more used to the techniques I'll try the balls again.

    Ouch! It brings a tear to the eye. :S

    (Sorry man, I couldn't resist. Welcome to TF! ;) )

  2. Take up the floorboards in your room and construct a working model of the London Underground Tube system. Perhaps using Hornby trains and ingenuity. (Y)

    I've realised my previous idea is impractical and over complicated.


    Construct a working tabletop model of a particle accelerator such as the Large Hadron Collider*. Perhaps using superconducting magnets and ingenuity. (Y)

    Impress your friends and relatives with a show of miniture Black Holes and your discovery of the existence of the elusive Higgs boson particle!

    *this may require a basic knowledge of Quantum Physics, a comprehensive 'building and contents' insurance policy, and a visit to Maplins.

  3. Gaffa tape them together, spray them silver and sell them to immigrant builders as scaffolding posts.


    Take up the floorboards in your room and construct a working model of the London Underground Tube system. Perhaps using Hornby trains and ingenuity. (Y)

  4. The wooden horse.

    The Caine mutiny.

    The dam busters.

    The bridge over the river Kwai.

    Ice-cold in Alex.

    The guns of Navarone.

    The great escape.

    The dirty dozen.

    Where eagles dare.

    Kelly's heroes.

    A bridge too far.

    Das boot.

    Schindler's list.

    ...and many more!

  5. The questions not even debatable !

    Sonic on the sega mega drive. Nothing comes close !

    For me, Sonic 2 on the Megadrive. Without a doubt. The year, probably 1993? I'm not really a 'gamer', but that had me addicted like a whore to crack. Stints till 4am, etc.

    I can still remember vividly, the day I completed the final stage. Leaping around like I'd just won the Olympics. One of the best 'natural' highs I've ever experienced. (and I've had a few ;) ). I remember I had to spend a few hours windinng down on PGA 2.

    Sad, but true.

  6. Wow! Thanks for your very detailed response. That documentary sounded like food for thought indeed. Of course, I personally haven't got the scientifical knowledge or the documented evidence to hand, but the reasoning sounds 'believable'.

    But Hey, I didn't believe the Turin Shroud was real, I doubt many aethiests do. I also doubt many Christians did either.

    The whole point of Christianity, (or any religion) is the belief in Faith. Faith does, and will always transcend fact.


    Edit: Thinking about it, as I asked previously, are there any other physical pieces of 'evidence', relating to the possible existance of Jesus, besides the Turin Shroud?

  7. I've never used either. This is my first forum. I understand where the related topics are relevent to the pursuit of Trials.

    But in what category does 'chit-chat' fit in? :blink:

    Edit: for terrible spelliggz

  8. Anyone see 'The Da Vinci Shroud' on C5?

    No I didn't, unfortunately. I've been thinking about it though. Was this supposed to be the 'Only' evidence of a living Jesus, or are there more found examples? The most important that spring to mind are maybe; the Cross he died on, the Spear that killed him, the Cup he drank from on the Last Supper - 'The Golden Chalice?. Maybe the crown of thorns or the 'Holy Grail'? I learnt my religious symbolism through having an Irish Catholic Mother. Or maybe I've seen too many Hollywood adventure films like Indiana Jones etc. Or am I treading on the toes of Dan Brown novels (which the Wife has read)? I dunno.

    But anyway, hasn't Christianity always relied on 'props'? From the 'sheep', bowing down in a man-made 'House of God', to a man-made 'Altar' , to a supposed 'Man of God'. A place filled with gold, marble, stone and glass. People are prepared to fall to their knees and Pray before half baked effigies, believing they're talking to their Saviour.

    If the Turin Shroud were to officialy be declared a 'fake' by Scientists, I doubt it would make a difference to peoples Faith.

    Religious sybolism is completely undeniable, and always will be.


    Edited; for religious content.

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