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Posts posted by dirty-boi

  1. See I'm a stickler for making sure its right, if the O' ring didn't work and replacing the piston n barrel still didn't fix the problem then I'd replace the lever. Only because the one time you push yourself will be the one time it fails...not a risk I'm willing to take for the sake of a few quid. Each to their own like and if it works for you then it works for you, but I'd rather have 100% confidence in my brakes. Cause you never know.

  2. Hi all, its been a long long time since I was here. How is everyone? Initially I planned to build an Onza Tpro from bits about 2-3 years ago but its still in the shed with the Onza hangers I bought but nothing more. Anyway my cyclescheme voucher is due round again and I've decided to sell my Marin San Quentin and buy a trials bike. Looking for a 20" bike but looks like I'm stuck with an Onza due to the cyclescheme voucher as I cant find anywhere that stocks bikes other than Onza's which do the cyclescheme.... This leads me to my question(s)

    Does anyone know of anywhere that is on the cyclescheme and stocks something other than Onza bikes?

    If not

    Has anyone dealt with Rock and Roll Bikes (Nottingham) http://www.rocknrollbikes.com/

    Any help appreciated, thanks guys!

  3. Hi, I'm after a Zoot frame. The original blue T-rex shaped one. I am not a fan of the new 2010 Zoot. I'm after frame only. Would the Onza HQ happen to have any?



    I wouldn't mind one of these either, if anyone knows of an archive of old Onza frames give me a shout.

    You quite often get the small backstreet bike shops selling the older models cheap on ebay, this happens because they buy loads of them to get the purchase price down and then can't sell them all.

  4. Any real reason for this?! Bit of a silly thing to think if its based on past experience or purely opinion of the bikes of yester year they produced; the effect is an awesome frame, rides brilliantly, is well built and has in my opinion great geometry. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

    yeah its purely past experience, I bought or rather my dad bought me a DiamondBack BMX when I was 15, it lasted a week, by that time the wheels were bent, crank was snapped, and the frame was nearly in half.

    I've got an inspired and so far it's the best frame i've ridden, fits me perfectly.

    However, regarding the ashton diamondback bit, i've been riding with Rowan a lot and haven't seen anything that would ever put me of an effect. Especially when they can be ridden like this...

    that is pretty good and thanks for the vid.

    the other reason I wouldn't have the Ashton is no maggie mounts, and I want a rear maggie.

    Anyone got one of these Because frames?

  5. I'm after a new frame, either a 24" or a 26" short.

    If I decide on a 26" then I will go for either the Echo Pure 09 or the Zoo Python both are around £240.

    But if I decide on a 24" then I'm unsure on what to do, I don't want to spend too much on the frame I'd rather have more to spend on parts and upgrade at a later date.

    The Inspired is £330 which is a quite a lot, I've heard they are worth every penny but I'm not convinced.

    I won't touch any thing which DiamondBack put their name to so the Ashton is a no no.

    The only other option is these Because frames, either the Trials or Street, both at £250.

    I have been out of the scene for a year or so as I've been mad busy with work etc and they weren't around then so I have never heard of these.

    Doe's anyone have one? are they any good? worth £250? or am I better going for the Inspired if I decide on a 24"?

  6. Get a Van!

    Go to a local industrial estate!

    Load Pallets in

    F**k off (Y)

    Job sorted


    I agree, I'm quite lucky actually when I get round to getting some, the CHEP factory is just up the road and they make all the really strong blue ones.

    There is usually loads lying around.

  7. Thats a pro...

    If you are quite tall I recommend looking at the 26" section. :)

    See I'm 6ft 1" and 14st and I feel more comfortable on a 20" than a 26".

    26"s make me feel like I'm riding a 30ft penny farthing.

    I think the best bet is to try the 2 and see what you prefer before buying.

  8. I'm sticking a Tracker in my handlebars as soon as my bike is live.

    I've seen a few units that will work and know one will check in they're so soon.

    I can also get to it fairly easily to change the battery.

    That way I can track it my self via my phone or pc, and when I find the little fecker I'll slit his pi**ing throat and turn him into a Pez dispenser.

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